WCOM CE01 - Writing with Impact |
Cr |
WCOM CE02 - Sharpening your Message |
Cr |
WCOM CE03 - Business Writing That Works |
Cr |
WCOM CE04 - Business Writing: Formats and Applications |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
CS |
CS |
WELD 001 - Welding (Oxyacetylene & Shielded Metal Arc) |
CS |
WELD 100 - Welding Safety |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
WELD 101 - Welding Hand and Power Tools |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
WELD 102 - Oxyacetylene Welding and Welding Faults |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
WELD 103 - Shielded Metal Arc Welding |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
WELD 104 - Introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding, Flux Core Arc Welding and Submerged Arc Welding Theory |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
WELD 105 - Mathematics for Welders |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
WELD 107 - Applications of Welding |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
WELD CE04 - Introduction to Welding |
CS |
WFA 010 - Remote First Aid/CPR-C |
CS |
WFA 011 - Wilderness First Aid/CPR-C |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
CS |
CS |
WFA 012 - Remote First Aid/CPR-C Recertification |
CS |
WFA 013 - Wilderness First Aid/CPR-C Recertification |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
CS |
CS |
WGST 100 - Introduction to Women's Studies 1 |
Cr |
WGST 101 - Introduction to Women's Studies 2 |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
WGST 200 - Women and Social Change |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
WGST 202 - Women in Indigenous Societies |
Cr |
WGST 220 - Women in the Circumpolar World - Religion and Spirituality |
Cr |
WGST 230 - Women and History - Rethinking Canada |
Cr |
WGST 240 - The Study of Men and Masculinities 1 |
Online/Video |
S |
Cr |
WGST 241 - The Study of Men and Masculinities II |
Cr |
WHMS 001 - Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
CS |
CS |
WO 001 - Basic Small Water Systems Operations |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut), Online/Video |
CS |
Cr |
WO 001L - Small Water System Operator Lab |
Cr |
WO 002 - Water Distribution Level 1 & 2 |
Cr |
WO 004 - Iron & Manganese Removal |
Cr |
WO 006 - Wastewater Collection Level 1 & 2 |
Cr |
WO 009 - Vibration Analysis |
Cr |
WO 010 - Bulk Water Delivery |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut), Online/Video |
CS |
Cr |
WO 016 - Cross Connection Control Awareness |
Cr |
WO 018 - Membrane Filtration for Water Treatment |
Cr |
WO 021 - Wastewater Treatment Level 1 & 2 |
Cr |
WO 022 - Chlorine Handling |
Cr |
WO 023 - Water Analysis, Water Quality Monitoring and Recordkeeping |
Cr |
WO 024 - Small Wastewater Systems Mechanical & Non Mechanical |
Cr |
WO 026 - Math Review for Small Water Systems and Bulk Water Delivery - Two Day |
Cr |
WO 028 - Computer Basics for Operators: Email, Internet, MS Excel, and MS Word |
Cr |
WO 031 - Water Treatment Level 1 & 2 |
Cr |
WO 031A - Water Treatment Level 1 and 2 - Asynchronous Online |
Online/Video |
CS |
Cr |
WO 032 - PVC Design & Construction for Water and Wastewater Pipe |
Cr |
WO 033 - Emergency Response Planning for Water & Wastewater Systems |
Cr |
WO 034 - Water Distribution Systems Operations (1/3 Practical) |
Cr |
WO 036 - Basic Hydrogeology |
Cr |
WO 037 - Wellhead Protection Planning |
Cr |
WO 039 - Parks Canada Water Systems |
Cr |
WO 040 - Little Salmon Carmacks Water Treatment Plant |
Cr |
WO 041 - Reservoir Maintenance and Cleaning |
Cr |
WO 042 - Household Drinking Water Storage Practices |
Cr |
WO 046 - Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection |
Cr |
WO 047 - Arsenic and Uranium Removal |
Cr |
WO 048 - Groundwater Monitoring, Well Installations, Sampling, and Decommissioning |
CS |
WO 049 - Cross Connection/Backflow Assembly Tester Certification |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
CS |
Cr |
WO 051 - Lagoon Design, Operation and Maintenance |
Cr |
WO 052 - Disinfection By-Product Formation and Prevention |
Cr |
WO CE55 - Water Distribution Level 3 and 4 |
Cr |
WO CE56 - Polyethylene Pipe Fusion - Small Diameter |
Cr |
WO CE57 - Polyethylene Pipe Fusion - Mid-Range Diameter |
Cr |
WO CE58 - Thermography Level 1 Certification |
Cr |
WO CE59 - Cross Connection Control Inspector |
Cr |
WO CE60 - Taking Care of Your Drinking Water System for Decision Makers |
Cr |
WO CE61 - Leading and Managing in Public Operations 1: People |
Online/Video, Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
CS |
Cr |
WO CE62 - Soft Skills in the Water and Wastewater Context 2 - Projects |
Cr |
WO CE63 - Soft Skills in the Water and Wastewater Context 3 - Communication and Finance |
Cr |
WO CE64 - Wastewater Sampling, Analysis and Recordkeeping |
Cr |
WO CE65 - Math Review for Small Wastewater Systems |
Cr |
WO CE66 - Disinfection: Hypochlorites, Chlorine Gas, UV, Ozone and Chemical Handling |
Cr |
WO CE67 - Passive Wastewater Treatment North of 60: Beyond Lagoons |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
CS |
Cr |
WO CE68 - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Control Systems in Yukon - Introduction |
Cr |
WO CE69 - Jar Testing for North of 60 Applications |
Cr |
WO CE70 - Yukon Water & Wastewater Operator Program (YWWOP) Source Water Protection and Watershed Stewardship |
Cr |
WO CE71 - Wastewater Collection Level 3 and 4 |
Cr |
WO CE72 - Managing for Climate Change Impacts on Water and Wastewater Systems |
Cr |
WO CE73 - Math Review for Small Water Systems and Bulk Water Delivery - One Day |
Cr |