WO CE65 - Math Review for Small Wastewater Systems
This 1 day course is designed to increase proficiency with the math components involved in operating small wastewater systems. Participants will learn about unit conversions and calculation of area, volume, rate of flow, detention time, force, pressure, power and chemical dosing.
The students are provided with a handbook containing solved examples of every formula found in the EOCP / ABC Canadian Certification Examination formula sheets which are provided to students writing an Environmental Operators Certification Program (EOCP) exam. The student handbook contains two practice exams.
This course is especially recommended for water & wastewater operators aspiring to attend the Small Wastewater Systems Mechanical and Non Mechanical course and write the equivalent EOCP certification exams. This course is relevant to any health professional, supervisor, technician or homeowner involved with or interested in water & wastewater.
Accepted for 0.6 CEUs by EOCP as Core for WWC, SWWS, WWT and Related for WD, WT, SWS.
Provider: Yukon University
This course will typically be offered every year at Ayamdigut and online, before the Small Wastewater Systems Mechanical and Non Mechanical course.