EA 100 - Program Implementation I |
Cr |
EA 109 - Supporting Children through Inclusive Education |
Cr |
EAES 310 - Introduction to Arts Education |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
EAP 060 - English for Academic Purposes |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ECCU 200 - Introduction to Cross-Cultural Education |
Cr |
ECCU 300 - Cross-Cultural Teaching Strategies |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ECCU 390 - First Nations Cultures and Values |
Off-Campus |
S |
Cr |
ECDV 300 - Creativity and Innovation in Small Business |
Cr |
ECDV 301 - Community Economic Development |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
ECMP 100 - Assistive Technology |
Cr |
ECON 100 - Introduction to Microeconomics |
Cr |
ECON 101 - Introduction to Macroeconomics |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ECS 101 - Education for Justice - Knowledge, Schooling and Society |
Cr |
ECS 102 - Education for Justice - Self and Other |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ECS 203 - Curriculum and Pedagogy 1 |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ECS 303 - Curriculum and Pedagogy 2 |
Cr |
ECS 401 - Critical Perspectives of Assessment |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
EDUC 100 - The Role of Schooling |
Cr |
EFLD 311 - Teaching Experiences in the Pre-K to Grade 8 Classroom |
Off-Campus |
S |
Cr |
EFLD 405 - Internship |
Off-Campus |
S |
Cr |
EHE 310 - Health Education in Elementary School |
Cr |
EINL 200 - Culture and the Acquisition of Language and Literacy |
Cr |
EL 102 - Foundations For Practice |
Cr |
EL 103 - Early Learning Practicum 1 |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut), Mayo |
W S |
Cr |
EL 110 - Responsive Relationships in Early Learning |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut), Watson Lake, Mayo |
W S |
Cr |
EL 111 - Stories of Culture & Social Location |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut), Dawson City |
W S |
Cr |
EL 120 - Foundations in Curriculum & Pedagogy |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut), Mayo |
W S |
Cr |
EL 121 - Perspectives on Children’s Growth and Development |
Cr |
ELBP 215 - Indigenous Land Based Education: Part 1 |
Cr |
ELBP 225 - Indigenous Land Based Education: Part 2 |
Cr |
ELCC 100 - Cultural Competency in Early Learning and Child Care |
Cr |
ELCC 110 - Health, Safety and Nutrition |
Cr |
ELCC 111 - Child Growth and Development 1 |
Cr |
ELCC 112 - Introduction to Early Learning and Child Care |
Cr |
ELCC 113 - Field Placement 1 |
Cr |
ELCC 114 - Integration Seminar 1 |
Cr |
ELCC 121 - Child Growth and Development 2 |
Cr |
ELCC 122 - Program Planning - Learning Through Play |
Cr |
ELCC 123 - Field Placement 2 |
Cr |
ELCC 124 - Integration Seminar 2 |
Cr |
ELCC 125 - Interpersonal Relationships and Communication Skills |
Cr |
ELCC 130 - Guiding Young Children |
Cr |
ELCC 200 - Program Planning - Science Areas with Young Children |
Cr |
ELCC 211 - Family Program Community |
Cr |
ELCC 212 - Program Planning-Literacy & Creative Expression |
Cr |
ELCC 213 - Field Placement 3 |
Cr |
ELCC 214 - Integration Seminar 3 |
Cr |
ELCC 220 - Philosophy of ELCC |
Cr |
ELCC 221 - Ecology of the Family |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ELCC 222 - Exceptional Children |
Cr |
ELCC 223 - Field Placement 4 |
Cr |
ELCC 224 - Integration Seminar 4 |
Cr |
ELCC 225 - Leadership, Teambuilding, and Administration in Early Learning and Childcare |
Cr |
ELEC 100 - Electrical Theory I |
Cr |
ELEC 101 - Electrical Lab I |
Cr |
ELEC 102 - Electrical Design & Code |
Cr |
ELEC 104 - Wiring Methods & Practices |
Cr |
ELNG 200 - Linguistic Diversity & Teaching Language Arts |
Cr |
ELNG 325 - Teaching of Writing |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
EMR 001 - Emergency Medical Responder |
CS |
EMR 002 - Emergency Medical Responder Recertification |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
CS |
CS |
EMTH 310 - Teaching Mathematics in Elementary School |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ENCS 352 - Natural Resources and Environmental Law |
Cr |
ENGL 020 - English Fundamentals |
Cr |
ENGL 030 - Communication Through Reading and Writing |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ENGL 050 - College Writing Skills |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
ENGL 060 - Introduction to Literature |
Online/Video, Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W S |
Cr |
ENGL 090 - Bridging English for University |
Cr |
ENGL 100 - Academic Writing and Critical Thinking |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut), Online/Video |
W S |
Cr |
ENGL 101 - Introduction to the Study of Literature |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |