ECCU 390 - First Nations Cultures and Values

ECCU 390: Yukon First Nations Culture and Values: Educational Experiences on the Land, is an experiential education course intended to educate and promote awareness and appreciation of Yukon First Nation cultures, languages, and lifestyles, in particular, the culture and history of the host First Nation. The course is intended for First Nation and non-First Nation teachers-in-training, to provide them with the necessary context for cultural inclusion and land-based activities suitable for the public school classrooms.

ECCU 390
CRN Instructional method Instructor Location Start date Seats available* Wait listed Cost
30012 Face-to-face Synchronous Norma Shorty Off-Campus
6 0
Cost: $500.00
Class schedule
Start date End date Room Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Practicum 8:00 AM - 3:50 PM 8:00 AM - 3:50 PM 8:00 AM - 3:50 PM 8:00 AM - 3:50 PM 8:00 AM - 3:50 PM - -