AB 001 - Air Brakes |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut), Haines Junction |
CS |
CS |
ACCT 001 - Sage 50 Level 1 |
CS |
ACCT 002 - Sage 50 Level 2 |
CS |
ACCT 003 - Bookkeeping Fundamentals Level 1 |
CS |
ACCT 004 - Bookkeeping Fundamentals Level 2 |
CS |
ACCT 005 - Year-end Accounting |
CS |
ACCT 101 - Financial Accounting 1 |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ACCT 102 - Financial Accounting 2 |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W S |
Cr |
ACCT 120 - Introductory Accounting |
Cr |
ACCT 213 - Finance I |
Cr |
ACCT 220 - Intermediate Accounting |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
ACCT 222 - Managerial Accounting |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ACCT 300 - Computer Applications in Accounting |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
ACCT 400 - Finance 2 |
Cr |
ACCT CE12 - Year-End Accounting and Transactional Analysis |
CS |
ACCT CE13 - Basic Bookkeeping Skills |
Cr |
ACS 100 - Foundations for Success - Academic and Career Preparation |
Cr |
ADMN 008 - Essential Administrative Professional |
CS |
ADMN CE01 - Time Management: Strategies for Personal and Professional Efficiency |
Cr |
ADMN CE024 - The Outstanding Executive Assistant |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
CS |
Cr |
AIR CE02 - RPAS/Drone Complete Advanced Pilot Training & Certification |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
CS |
CS |
ALES 204 - Professional Communication |
Cr |
ALES 291A - Mathematics for the Life Sciences |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ALES 391 - Critical Thinking and Communications in Science |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
AMDS CE01 - Risk Management Fundamentals |
Cr |
AMDS CE02 - Becoming Management Material |
Cr |
ANAT 1101 - Anatomy & Physiology |
Cr |
ANTH 101 - Biological Anthropology |
Cr |
ANTH 101L - Biological Anthropology Lab |
Cr |
ANTH 102 - Survey of World Prehistory |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ANTH 103 - Introduction to Archaeology |
Cr |
ANTH 140 - Introduction to the Fields of Anthropology |
Cr |
ANTH 144 - Heritage and Culture Field School |
Cr |
ANTH 210 - Globalization and the Culture of Capitalism |
Cr |
ANTH 220 - People and Cultures of the Subarctic |
Cr |
ANTH 221 - Subarctic Archaeology |
Cr |
ANTH 225 - Field Methods in Subarctic Ethnography and Archaeology |
Cr |
ANTH 226 - Analytical Methods in Archaeology and Ethnography |
Cr |
ANTH 300 - Anthropology of Gender |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ANTH 312 - The Anthropology of the State - Past, Present, Future |
Cr |
ARCV 140 - Archives and Collections Management |
Cr |
AREC 365 - Natural Resource and Environmental Economics |
Cr |
ART 049 - Cedar Christmas Centerpiece |
CS |
ASIS 002 - Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
CS |
CS |
ASIS CE03 - Safe Talk |
CS |
ASTR 100 - Introduction to Astronomy |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
ASTR CE01 - Astronomy for Beginners |
CS |
ASTR CE02 - Universe from Your Backyard |
CS |
ASTR CE03 - Astrophotography |
CS |
ASTR CE04 - Dark Sky Responsible Lighting |
CS |
ATHA 101 - Introduction to Native Languages I |
Cr |
ATHA 102 - Introduction to Native Languages 2 |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |