NATR CE01 - Yukon Wildlife Sounds: An Introduction to Bioacoustics |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
CS |
Cr |
NISJ CE01 - Responding with Resilience |
Cr |
NOST 100 - Introduction to the Study of the North |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
NOST 101 - The Circumpolar World |
Online/Video |
W S |
Cr |
NOST 200 - Research in the North |
Cr |
NOST 201 - The Natural History of the North |
Cr |
NOST 202 - Social History of the North |
Cr |
NOST 215 - Northern Studies Field Methods |
Cr |
NOST 229 - Special Topics in Northern Studies |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut), Off-Campus, Online/Video |
W S |
Cr |
NOST 324 - Contemporary Issues in the Circumpolar World I |
Cr |
NOST 325 - Contemporary Issues in the Circumpolar World II |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
NOST 326 - Lands and Environments of the Circumpolar North I |
Cr |
NOST 327 - Lands and Environments of the Circumpolar World II |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
NOST 328 - Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar North I |
Cr |
NOST 329 - Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar North II |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
NS 115 - Indigenous Peoples and Technoscience |
Cr |
NS 200 - Indigenous Canada |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
NS 390 - Research Methods in Indigenous Studies |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
NS 435 - Management of Indigenous Natural Resources |
Cr |
NSCI 201 - Research Skills and Proposal Writing |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
NSCI 202 - Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting |
Cr |
NURS 1101 - Nursing Arts |
Cr |
NURS 1102 - Applied Pharmacology |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
NURS 1103 - Pathophysiology |
Cr |
NURS 1201 - Adult Health Assessment |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
NURS 1202 - Nursing Foundations I |
Cr |
NURS 1203 - Nursing Foundations 2 |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
NURS 1301 - Mathematical Principles of Medication Administration |
Cr |
NURS 1401 - Clinical 1: Foundational |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
NURS 1504 - Care of the Older Adult |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
NURS 2204 - Nursing Foundations 3 |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
S |
Cr |
NURS 2303 - Nursing Trends & Issues |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
W |
Cr |
NURS 2402 - Clinical 2: Medical/Surgical |
Off-Campus |
S |
Cr |
NURS 2403 - Clinical 3: Medical/Surgical |
Cr |
NURS 2501 - Maternity Nursing |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
S |
Cr |
NURS 2502 - Pediatric Nursing |
Cr |
NURS 2503 - Mental Health Nursing |
Whitehorse (Ayamdigut) |
S |
Cr |
NURS 2504 - Community Nursing |
Cr |
NURS 2995 - Practicum: Pre-graduate Comprehensive Combined with Pre-graduate Focused |
Off-Campus |
W |
Cr |