WO CE66 - Disinfection: Hypochlorites, Chlorine Gas, UV, Ozone and Chemical Handling
This 3 day course is designed to provide operators with the skills and knowledge to safely work with disinfectants commonly used in water and wastewater systems in the Yukon.
The course will primarily focus on how to safely receive, store, dispense and monitor sodium hypochlorite and chlorine gas, the two most commonly used disinfectants in the Yukon. The course will also provide an overview of the use of ultra-violet light and ozone as disinfectants, and the regulatory environment in the Yukon as it applies to water and wastewater treatment.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
-understand the life processes and the physical and chemical principles that allow chlorine gas, sodium hypochlorite, ultra-violet light and ozone to inactivate or destroy pathogenic microorganisms
-apply their knowledge to safely receive, store and apply disinfectants in use in their community
-understand and describe the function of each of the several pieces of equipment that combine to produce a functioning disinfection system
-understand the application of the appropriate mathematical formula required to calculate the appropriate dosage of a disinfectant
Accepted for 1.8 CEUs by EOCP as Core for WD, WT, SWS, BWD, WWT, SWWS and Related for WWC.
Provider: Yukon University
This course is typically offered every 2 years at Ayamdigut and online.
Attendees need to bring steel toed boots.