WO CE70 - Yukon Water & Wastewater Operator Program (YWWOP) Source Water Protection and Watershed Stewardship
This is a term-long course, 3 hours each week. Classes can be attended in person or online, during class hours or at your convenience.
The course has two over-arching goals. One is to learn ways to foster holistic connections between people, communities and watersheds, connections based on more than science. The second is to help facilitate and enhance, using both science and indigenous knowledge, the capacity of Yukon communities and First Nations to develop and implement plans for source water protection and watershed stewardship.
The course aims to increase community understanding of water management principles and promote acceptance of community-based watershed stewardship. The course encapsulates multiple perspectives and will include local indigenous knowledge and western science (i.e. hydrology, biology), in order to create a more comprehensive approach towards drinking water security and safety and overall watershed stewardship.
The course is offered at three levels (ENVS 227, ENVS 052 and WO CE70). The target audience includes water professionals (i.e. Lands and Resources officers), operators and the general public.
Accepted for 4.0 CEUs by EOCP as Core for WD, WT, SWS, BWD and Related for WWC, WWT, SWWS.
Provider: Yukon University
This course is typically offered every year at Ayamdigut and online.