WO CE82 - On-Site Septic Disposal Systems: Determining Soil Suitability & Estimating Effluent Dispersal Limits
This 2-day (12 hour) course is designed for septic installers, engineers, government regulators, and homeowners installing on-site septic disposal systems (SDS). The most important part of choosing an SDS site location is the suitability of the receiving soils. This is the first course offered by Yukon University teaching Yukoners how to characterize the receiving soil and judge its suitability. The course offers training on estimating the soil type, texture, and effluent receiving limits for both domestic and commercial systems. One objective of the course is to encourage an improved method to using percometer tests that tend to over-estimate long-term percolation rates. Objectives of the course will be met by one day spent in class, and one day spent on site. Topics to be presented include soil science (soil physics, soil characteristics, distribution of layers, and identification techniques), and tips for site evaluation. Best practices for septic tank selection, and tips on estimating sewage generation will also be presented. On-site exercises will include creation of a soils log, site sketches, soil tests based on CSA-B65, and proper measurement using a percometer (if time permits).
**Students who wish to write the associated EOCP Certification exam must apply directly with EOCP to do so, at least 3 weeks in advance. Visit or contact EOCP at for information on how to apply**
Accepted for 1.2 CEUs by EOCP as Core for SWWS and Related for WD, WT, WWC, SWS, WWT, BWD, BWS, SCS.
Provider: Yukon University