WO 018 - Membrane Filtration for Water Treatment
This 1 day course is designed to provide the participants with an introduction to membrane filtration for municipal drinking water treatment.
The course covers the following topics:
- Types of Technologies
- Types of Modules
- Sizing equations
- Operational Modes
- Operational Issues
- Membrane Cleaning
- Integrity Control
- Practical Design
- Waste Management
- The Marsh Lake System
This course is especially recommended for water operators and is relevant to health professionals, supervisors, technicians and homeowners involved and/or interested in water systems.
Accepted for 0.6 CEUs by EOCP as Core for WD, WT, SWS, BWD and Related for WWC, WWT, SWWS.
Provider: Yukon University
This course is typically offered every 2 years at Ayamdigut and online.
Attendees need to bring steel toed boots.