WO CE79 - Bulk Water Delivery Refresher
This 1 day course provides a review of skills and knowledge relevant to Bulk Water Delivery Operators. This course meets the Environmental Operators Certification Program (EOCP) continuing education requirements for Bulk Water Delivery Operators (required by the Yukon Government Drinking Water Regulation).
This course is especially recommended for current Bulk Water Delivery operators, and is relevant to health professionals, supervisors, technicians and homeowners involved and/or interested in water systems.
**This course does not meet the education requirement to write the Bulk Water Delivery EOCP Certification exam. Students who wish to become certified should register in WO 010 Bulk Water Delivery.**
Accepted for 0.6 CEUs by EOCP as Core for BWD and Related for SWS, WT, WD, WWC, WWT, SWWS.
Provider: Yukon University
This course is typically offered every year at Ayamdigut and online, and is a popular choice in the communities. Contact us to organize a class in your community.