WO 052 - Disinfection By-Product Formation and Prevention
This 1 day course is designed to inform the participants on the topic of disinfection byproducts (DBPs).
A review of modern disinfection techniques is provided, followed by a historical account of the development of disinfection byproduct knowledge over the past 40 years. Regulations governing DBPs are discussed for both the United States and Canada. Methods to minimize DBP formation, by removal of precursors, as well as changing process operations are discussed, followed by methods to remove DBPs after formation.
This course is especially recommended for water operators, designers and regulators, and is relevant to health professionals, supervisors, technicians and homeowners involved and/or interested in water quality.
Accepted for 0.6 CEUs by EOCP as Core for WD, WT, SWS, BWD and Related for WWC, WWT, SWWS.
Provider: Yukon University
This course is typically offered every 2 years at Ayamdigut and online.
Attendees need to bring steel toed boots.