WO CE76 - Development and Use of Operator Tools: ERP, MMP and SOPs
This one-day course provides students with an understanding of Emergency Response Plans, Maintenance Management Plans and Standard Operating Procedures. Students will learn how to develop and use these important tools to efficiently support operation and maintenance duties.
Operators of water treatment facilities are responsible for ensuring the supply of safe drinking water at all times. Daily duties such as performance monitoring, minimum maintenance, and troubleshooting do not leave much room for additional planning of non-routine activities. Relevant tools that support operators are therefore critical.
An Emergency Response Plan (ERP) helps prepare the operator and their managers for any potential emergencies which could alter the supply of safe drinking water. A clear definition of roles, an up-to-date contact list, and user-friendly procedures can greatly help the response time during an emergency. The preparation of the ERP is also a great brainstorming exercise for the community, and can increase stakeholder awareness and buy-in.
A Maintenance Management Plan (MMP) addresses all the required maintenance tasks for all the equipment in a water system. It provides a visual annual schedule of maintenance tasks, specifications of equipment and step-by-step procedures to complete maintenance tasks. The MMP is a practical time management support tool that also facilitates the training of new operators.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are step-by-step procedures to support the operator in regular operation tasks. The SOPs can be used as stand-alone reference guides and can be included in the MMP.
This course is especially recommended for water & wastewater operators. This course is also relevant to any health professional, supervisor, technician or homeowner involved with or interested in water & wastewater.
Accepted for 0.6 CEUs by EOCP as Core for WD, WT, SWS, BWD, WWC, WWT, SWWS.
Provider: Yukon University
This course will typically be offered every 2 years at Ayamdigut and online.