Business Administration

students in meeting

Start your journey!

Our business programs are grounded in the rich history of Yukon and guided by the spirit of reconciliation. They offer on-the-land learning, capstone-style courses and classwork that will prepare you to lead diverse organizations and build prosperous communities.

Program description

Our Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) aims to create business leaders who will increase prosperity where they live and work. Many northern rural and remote areas of Canada and the world are well positioned to expand, develop and provide rich and rewarding places to live and work. This degree is created for those interested in making a difference in these places. Students will be exposed to values, knowledge and skills that prepare them to work well and collaboratively within the business and governance context of the North. 

This BBA is distinctive in that it has been created from a de-colonial perspective.  The curriculum is rooted in the context of our unique identity and circumstances that are common to much of the world.  Our identity is closely tied to the land and wilderness, and to First Nations’ traditions and cultures. However, many of the circumstances that define us are not unique to Yukon; low population densities, vast distances and remoteness, higher costs, and operating environments that often require people to work independently while fulfilling broad roles are common beyond urban centres. 

The programs balance the academic rigor necessary for baccalaureate-level training while fostering communal growth through experiential learning and creating a supportive learning community.  Graduates leave prepared to create and sustain prosperity in places and circumstances akin to ours, but wherever they call home. 

Many courses are accessible on a part-time day or evening basis in Whitehorse. Several courses are available in outlying communities through the community campus network or by distance delivery.

Admission requirements
  • English 12 (min. 65%) and Math 11 (Foundations or Pre-Calculus)

Students not fully meeting the above criteria may be admitted to individual courses, but must apply for admission to the program - and satisfy the program admission requirements - prior to graduating with either a Certificate,  Diploma, or Bachelor of Business Administration. 

Yukon First Nations Core Competency

Yukon University recognizes that a greater understanding and awareness of Yukon First Nations history, culture and journey towards self-determination will help to build positive relationships among all Yukon citizens. As a result, you will be required to achieve core competency in knowledge of Yukon First Nations.

For details, visit Yukon First Nations Core Competency.

Graduation requirements

Students who have a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or greater in the program - and have met all the program requirements outlined in the Calendar at the beginning of the program - are eligible to graduate with a Certificate, Diploma or Bachelor in Business Administration.

Students must complete the requirements for a Certificate in Business Administration within five years of beginning the program. Students must complete the requirements for a Diploma in Business Administration within eight years of beginning the program. Students must complete the requirements for a Bachelor in Business Administration within ten years of beginning the program.


Many of the courses in the Business Administration program are also listed in the British Columbia Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT) Transfer Guide.

Please check with a Business Administration program advisor about transferability of specific courses. Many Business Administration courses have recently undergone revisions and transfer agreements are currently pending.

Money matters


Tuition for credit programs is calculated per course credit. See money matters for more information.

Some programs and courses have additional fees -  see Ancillary Fees.

Student financial awards

Education is an investment in your future, your family and your community. Yukon University is pleased to support that investment by offering some of the most competitive tuition rates in the country, as well as several student financial awards to help offset your educational and living costs.

Financial assistance

There are government programs, scholarships, bursaries, awards and First Nation funding available to financially support you throughout your academic career.

See money matters for more information, or talk to our financial advising staff in the Student Services Centre. Email or call 867 456 8574 to make an appointment.

Business Administration capstone

The Business Administration capstone experience is an opportunity for students to integrate and apply their theoretical knowledge of business practices while addressing a northern community need or issue.

Business capstone projects will stem from organizations (e.g. businesses, governments, nonprofits) that are seeking support in moving a specific challenge or opportunity forward. While working in teams under the guidance of faculty members and community members, students will hone their consulting skills as they work through a project and produce a professional presentation and report.

For more information, please visit:

Program Guides

A program planning guide lays out the courses and requirements needed to graduate from a particular program. It guides you through course selection options for each term, provides a sample program pathway and acts as a tool to track your progress.


Bachelor of Business Administration Core Courses

First year

Title Campus Scheduled
ACCT 101 - Financial Accounting 1 Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
ACCT 102 - Financial Accounting 2 Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
COMM 100 - Business Communications Whitehorse (Ayamdigut), Online/Video
COMP 161 - Microcomputer Applications for Business Online/Video
ENGL 100 - Academic Writing and Critical Thinking Whitehorse (Ayamdigut), Online/Video
HIST 140 - History of Yukon First Nations and Self-Government Online/Video
LEAD 110 - Introduction to Business Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
LEAD 111 - Quest
LEAD 111F - Quest Field Camp
MATH 141 - Mathematics for Business Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)

BA Certificate Core Courses

First year

Title Campus Scheduled
ACCT 101 - Financial Accounting 1 Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
ACCT 102 - Financial Accounting 2 Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
COMM 100 - Business Communications Whitehorse (Ayamdigut), Online/Video
COMP 161 - Microcomputer Applications for Business Online/Video
ENGL 100 - Academic Writing and Critical Thinking Whitehorse (Ayamdigut), Online/Video
LEAD 110 - Introduction to Business Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
MATH 141 - Mathematics for Business Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
MATH 210 - Applied Statistics Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)

BA Science Elective Courses

Title Campus Scheduled
ANTH 101 - Biological Anthropology
ANTH 101L - Biological Anthropology Lab
ASTR 100 - Introduction to Astronomy Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
BIOL 101 - Ecology, Evolution and Diversity
BIOL 101L - Ecology, Evolution and Diversity - Lab
CHEM 110 - The Structure of Matter
CHEM 110L - The Structure of Matter Lab
CHEM 110T - The Structure of Matter Tutor
CRIM 101 - Introduction to Criminology
ENVS 100 - Introduction to Environmental Science 1
ENVS 100L - Environmental Science I Lab
ENVS 101 - Introduction to Environmental Science 2
ENVS 101L - Environmental Science II Lab
ENVS 225 - Environmental Change and Fish and Wildlife Health
ENVS 226 - Environmental Change and Community Health
ENVS 227 - Yukon Source Water Protection and Watershed Stewardship Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
FNST 140 - Preservation of Traditional Knowledge
GEOG 101 - Earth Systems: Atmosphere and Climate
GEOG 101L - Introduction to Physical Geography I Lab
GEOG 102 - Earth Systems: Landscapes and Natural Hazards Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
GEOG 102L - Physical Geography II Lab Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
KINE 100 - Introduction to Human Physiology Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
MATH 100 - Single Variable Calculus 1
NOST 101 - The Circumpolar World Online/Video
PHED 222 - Northern Outdoor Pursuits and Leadership 1
PHED 225 - Northern Outdoor Pursuits and Leadership 2 Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
PHYS 101 - Elementary Physics 1
PHYS 101L - Elementary Physics I Lab
PHYS 101T - Elementary Physics I Tutorial
POLI 101 - The Government of Canada Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
POLI 201 - Introduction to Political Thought
POLI 222 - Northern Resources and Environmental Law
POLI 230 - Indigenous Political Thought
PSYC 100 - Introduction to Psychology 1
SOCI 100 - Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 227 - Research Methods in the Social Sciences

BA Certificate Elective Courses