KINE 100 - Introduction to Human Physiology

This course introduces students to the physiology of the human body. Students examine the mechanisms of body function, organized around the central theme of homeostasis--how the body meets changing demands while maintaining the internal constancy necessary for all cells and organs to function. Course content focuses on cell physiology, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, digestive system, lymphatic, respiratory system, endocrine, and circulatory systems.

KINE 100
CRN Instructional method Instructor Location Start date Seats available* Wait listed
20222 Face-to-face Synchronous Liris Smith Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
8 0
Class schedule
Start date End date Room Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Classroom - Face to Face A2605 - 12:30 PM - 3:20 PM - - - - -
Classroom - Face to Face A2605 - - - 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM - - -
Final Exam A2605 - 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - - - - -