FNGA 302 - Power and Influence
This course is designed to provide an overview and understanding of the forces and sources of power and influence within Indigenous social, cultural, and political arenas. Power refers to the structurally determined potential for obtaining preferred outcomes. By using Intersectionality (the theory of how race, class, gender, sexuality intersect) as an analytical tool to capture and engage the contextual dynamics of power, this course will explore traditional and modern views of power and influence within Indigenous Nations. It will draw upon a method of ‘two-eyed’ seeing and utilize guest speakers to explore ideological perspectives and the lived experience of Indigenous Nations today and how decision-makers and policymakers may influence individuals or groups exercising power and influence. Sources of power and influence, personal agency and political ideology such as capitalism, activism, globalization, media and technology, legislation and case law and civil disobedience will be identified, and their impacts explored. Finally, this course will provide an understanding of how individuals, communities, citizenries, and Indigenous nations can build power and influence by using tangible and intangible resources.
POLI 230 or PHIL 230 or FNGA 240 or COMM 200 and HIST 140.
This is a third‐year course and expectations are set accordingly. Students are assumed to have taken other university‐level courses in addition to the named prerequisites.