FNGA 301 - Theory and Practice of Negotiation
This course critically explores alternative dispute resolution by examining primary dispute resolution processes (restorative justice, mediation, negotiation, and arbitration) with a focus on the northern, Indigenous context. Students will have the opportunity to learn about and develop conflict management techniques through skill development exercises, guest speakers’ stories and dialogues, and the discussion of topical readings on dispute resolution processes. Each unit of the course will include experiential components to teach students how to apply concepts in real situations. The course will tie together conflict resolution concepts from previous courses, including power and influence, intergovernmental relations, and human resources. From there, students will critically deconstruct the components of each conflict resolution process before engaging in experiential exercises. This approach will ensure students understand each conflict resolution process on a fundamental level. The goal of the course is to have students who can determine which process would be best suited for each conflict they might encounter in their life and workplace.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 100; FNGA 101; and one of FNGA 209, FNGA 200, LEAD 292 or COMM 200