POLI 230 - Indigenous Political Thought
Governance is a concept and a suite of practices that can benefit from a critical examination from multiple perspectives. This course employs a northern Indigenous lens to expand and deepen students' understanding of governance and treaty-making. It starts with an exploration of Indigenous worldviews and lifeways. Students will then review historic and contemporary perspectives on Indigenous governance in Canada. Content will address ancestral to modern governance practices and systems, and situate Yukon and Northern Indigenous political experiences within a national context. Various theories and schools of thought regarding Indigenous/state relations in Canada will be explored and used to expand students’ understanding of governance and treaty-making. Students will draw upon the works of different Indigenous and non-Indigenous thinkers to begin building, communicating, and substantiating their own perspectives.
Prerequisites: POLI 101 or POLI 201; and one of FNGA 100, FNGA 101 or HIST 140