Practice social work in northern and remote communities.
Accredited by the Canadian Association for Social Work Education, the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree places special emphasis on the social needs, values and aspirations of Yukon First Nations.
Qualified Indigenous applicants are given first priority for enrollment in the Social Work program at Yukon University.
Yukon University offers, in partnership with the University of Regina, a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree. The University of Regina grants the degree and the program is accredited by the Canadian Association for Social Work Education.
The BSW program provides students with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, values, and skills necessary to practice social work in northern and remote communities. Particular attention is given to the social needs, values and aspirations of Yukon First Nations.
The program uses practicums and a cultural camp to further enhance the educational experience.
Prospective applicants are encouraged to attend an information session prior to applying to the program. Please see the following link for the next information session
The application deadline for fall 2025 term is April 14th, 2025. There is one intake per year and seats in the program are limited. Half the seats are reserved for qualified Indigenous applicants.
Applying to the program involves applying to Yukon University, completing a comprehensive BSW Application that includes several documents, and if you meet the criteria, an interview.
Please follow the steps chronologically. We encourage you to submit your completed BSW Application in advance of the deadline.
Step 1: Apply online to Yukon University
- Select "Partnership Programs"
- Specify "BSW" as the program
- Submit your official transcripts
- Pay your registration fee
Step 2: Once you've completed Yukon U Application, please complete the BSW Application Package. Which includes the following documents:
- Checklist of academic prerequisites
- A written personal statement; follow the guidelines provided
- A list of three references. Reference forms and instructions are provided. References are to be sent directly to Admissions by referees.
- A current Vulnerable Sector Criminal Record Check
- A current resume that includes work and volunteer experience
- Forward your completed application by email or mail to Yukon University - Admissions Office
Step 3: Submit the BSW Application by April 14th, 2024
Please scan documents and email to:
Step 4: Application review
Completed BSW Admission packages are typically reviewed within four weeks by Admissions. Applicants who do not meet the criteria will be informed by Admissions.
The following steps apply for applicants who meet the admission criteria:
Step 5: BSW interview
Applicants who meet the admission criteria will be interviewed by program faculty and community-based social workers in April and early May. Applicants must achieve a satisfactory interview score to be accepted to the program. Seats are limited and half of the seats are reserved for Indigenous applicants who meet the admission criteria.
Step 6: Decision about Yukon University admission
Applicants who were interviewed will be informed in writing by Yukon University Admissions about the outcome of their application.
Step 7: Successful applicants
There is a mandatory orientation session. Registration with the University of Regina, transfer credit and registration in Yukon University social work courses will be discussed at this time.
Students must complete a minimum of 30 university credit hours prior to admissions to BSW and obtain an average of 70%.
The following courses must be completed as part of the 30 university credit hours:
- English 100 Level (3 credits)*
- English 100 level, or higher (3 credits)*
- Social Work 200 (3 credits)
- general university studies (21 credits)
*A 70% combined average is required for these English courses.
Half the seats will be reserved for qualified Indigenous students.
The Bachelor of Social Work Program offers a monthly opportunity to join an 'Online Information Session' about the program. Information on admission and graduation requirements, as well as the application process will be covered. The meeting is held via Zoom on Second Wednesday of every month from 12:00 to 1:00PM. A second session in March will take place on March 26th.
To register for any of the information sessions listed above please see link below to sign up,
Application deadline: for fall 2025 intake closes on April 14th, 2025. Next intake is for fall 2026 admission.
- Completion of a BSW program application.
- A criminal records check(s). Criteria is provided in the BSW application. Please anticipate a minimum of three weeks for completion.
- Three letters of reference; references from relatives are not accepted.
Applicants who meet the above criteria may be selected for a panel interview.
- Candidates’ interviews are scored and ranked.
- Following completion of interviews, all applicants will be notified of their results.
- Successful applicants will be invited to a BSW orientation and registration session in May, at which time they will apply for admission to the University of Regina. Course advising and registration for the fall will occur once the student has also been accepted to the University of Regina.
Students admitted into the BSW after March 1st , 2014 must meet the following graduation requirements.
General University Studies (60 credits)
A minimum 65% GPA is required in General University Studies for graduation.
Required General University Studies Courses:
- English 100 level (3 credits)
- English 100 level, or higher (3 credits)
- History 140 History of Yukon First Nations and Self -Government (3 credits)
- Psychology 100 level (3 credits)
- Psychology 100 level, or higher (3 credits)
- Sociology 100 level (3 credits)
General University Studies, unspecified (42 credits)
Social Work Studies (60 credits)
A minimum 70% GPA is required in Social Work Studies for graduation.
Required Social Work courses:
- Social Work 200 Introduction to Social Work (3 credits)
- Social Work 346 Social Work Practice I (3 credits)
- Social Work 347 Social Work Practice II (3 credits)
- Social Work 348 Social Work Practicum I (6 credits)
- Social Work 352 Cultural Camp (6 credits)
- Social Work 389 Cultural Competence for Northern Social Work Practice ( 3 credits)
- Social Work 390 Communication Skills in Social Work Practice (3 credits)
- Social Work 414 Child Welfare Practice (3 credits)
- Social Work 421 Human Development in a Social Context (3 credits)
- Social Work 448 Social Work Practicum II (15 credits)
One of:
Social Work 451 Social Work Research (3 credits)
- Social Work 469 Social Policy (3 credits)
- Social Work Electives (9 electives)
Yukon University recognizes that a greater understanding and awareness of Yukon First Nations history, culture and journey towards self-determination will help to build positive relationships among all Yukon citizens. As a result, you will be required to achieve core competency in knowledge of Yukon First Nations.
For details, visit Yukon First Nations Core Competency
Social work graduates are employed primarily by the Yukon Government, First Nations governments and non-governmental social service organizations.
Fields of practice include:
- family service
- justice
- child welfare
- addictions
- health care
- mental health
- public welfare
- community development
Social workers are often involved in counselling, case management, advocacy, education, social policy and program development.
Tuition for credit programs is calculated per course credit. See money matters for more information.
Some programs and courses have additional fees - see Ancillary Fees.
Student financial awards
Education is an investment in your future, your family and your community. Yukon University is pleased to support that investment by offering some of the most competitive tuition rates in the country, as well as several student financial awards to help offset your educational and living costs.
Financial assistance
There are government programs, scholarships, bursaries, awards and First Nation funding available to financially support you throughout your academic career.
See money matters for more information, or talk to our financial advising staff in the Student Services Centre. Email or call 867 456 8574 to make an appointment.