Natural and social science projects

Natural science
Program/School Category Researcher Status
Biodiversity specimen research and teaching collection Biodiversity Monitoring Biology Dave Mossop Ongoing
Enhancing Yukon trade corridor resilience to northern geohazards  Climate Change Research, Permafrost and Geoscience Climate change, Water Fabrice Calmels Ongoing
Ethno-Ornithology of Yukon and Alaska Biology Kathryn Aitken Ongoing
Focal species in tundra systems: gyrfalcon, willow ptarmigan Biodiversity Monitoring Biology Dave Mossop Ongoing
Forecasting River Ice Breakup in Yukon Communities Climate Change Research Climate change, Water Benoit Turcotte Ongoing
Lab Scale Study of Nitrate and Arsenic Removal via Permeable Reactive Barrier under Cold Conditions Northern Mine Remediation Environmental science, Water Guillaume Nielsen Ongoing
McIntyre Creek hydrology Climate Change Research Climate change, Water Benoit Turcotte Ongoing
Mine revegetation in the North Northern Mine Remediation Environmental science, Biology Guillaume Nielsen Ongoing
Nitrogen removal using bacteria at the Minto Mine Northern Mine Remediation Environmental science, Biology Guillaume Nielsen Ongoing
Northern Mine Remediation course for First Nation communities Northern Mine Remediation Natural science Guillaume Nielsen Ongoing
Scottie Creek Borderlands culture history project Natural science Norman Alexander Easton Ongoing
Wetland analysis and monitoring Biodiversity Monitoring Climate change Dave Mossop Ongoing
Yukon Biodiversity Forum YukonU Research Centre Biology Ongoing
Yukon endangered birds: research and monitoring Biodiversity Monitoring Biology Dave Mossop Ongoing
Frederik Paulsen Seminar: Mine Bioremediation in the Arctic Northern Mine Remediation Environmental science, Water Guillaume Nielsen Completed in 2024
Climate risk mapping for Government of Yukon building assets Climate Change Research Climate change, Geology/geophysics Stephanie Saal Completed in 2023
Design and implementation of early detection and warning systems for transportation infrastructure impacted by permafrost-related geohazards Permafrost and Geoscience Geology/geophysics Fabrice Calmels Completed in 2022
Flooding in Dawson and Old Crow: Exposure analysis and risk reduction recommendations Climate Change Research Climate change, Water Benoit Turcotte Completed in 2022
Ecological monitoring protocols for protected areas Biodiversity Monitoring Biology Dave Mossop Completed in 2022
Seedbanks in Yukon communities: developing protocols, a roadmap, and course materials YukonU Research Centre Natural science Rachel Pugh Completed in 2019
In situ bioremediation in Keno hill Northern Mine Remediation Environmental science, Water Guillaume Nielsen Completed in 2018
Native seed bank in the Yukon - State of the art Northern Mine Remediation Natural science, Biology Amelie Janin Completed in 2017
Compendium of metal uptake in plants growing on mine sites in Yukon Northern Mine Remediation Natural science, Biology Amelie Janin Completed in 2017
Investigation of Dempster Highway Sinkholes: km 82 and Two Moose Lake Permafrost and Geoscience Climate change, Water Fabrice Calmels Completed in 2017
Characterizing local plant materials as carbon substrates for passive water treatment systems Northern Mine Remediation Natural science, Biology Amelie Janin Completed in 2017
Yukon passive water treatment workshop Northern Mine Remediation Water Amelie Janin Completed in 2016
Enhancing the resilience of the mining and transportation sectors to changes in permafrost and snow Climate Change Research Natural science Brian Horton, Alison Perrin Completed in 2016
Learning with constructed wetlands in Pelly Crossing Northern Mine Remediation Natural science Amelie Janin Completed in 2016
Urban ecological restoration in the north YukonU Research Centre Natural science Completed in 2015
Developing protocols and capacity for northern restoration with local native plants Northern Mine Remediation Natural science, Biology Katherine Stewart Completed in 2015
Fish otolith chemistry for environmental assessments Northern Mine Remediation Natural science Amelie Janin Completed in 2015
Brackish water treatment in northern Yukon Northern Mine Remediation Natural science Amelie Janin Completed in 2015
Metal uptake in northern constructed wetlands Northern Mine Remediation Natural science Amelie Janin Completed in 2015
The accessibility, quality, and safety of the Liard First Nation’s drinking water supply YukonU Research Centre Water Clint Sawicki Completed in 2015
Vegetation management of power line right-of-ways in northern Canada YukonU Research Centre Natural science Completed in 2014
Mine site metal sequestration with leonardite Northern Mine Remediation Natural science Amelie Janin Completed in 2014
Northern biochar for northern restoration YukonU Research Centre Natural science Completed in 2013
Yukon revegetation manual YukonU Research Centre Biology Clint Sawicki Completed in 2012
Social science
Program/School Category Researcher Status
Win-Win climate change adaptation: Creating a natural fire break north of Teslin Climate Change Research Environmental science, Social science Alison Perrin Ongoing
What about the land and the water? YukonU Research Centre Social science Bronwyn Hancock Completed in 2020
Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic YukonU Research Centre Social science Valoree Walker Completed in 2019
Community energy and emissions inventory - Cambridge Bay, Nunavut Climate Change Research Social science Completed in 2014
Community energy and emissions inventory - Kluane Lake Region, Yukon Climate Change Research Social science Completed in 2012
Social economy research network of northern Canada YukonU Research Centre Social science Valoree Walker Completed in 2012