girl in lab

March 19, 2019 Yukon College today welcomed the Government of Canada’s announcement of $26M over five years for the construction of a new science building for the future Yukon University (YukonU) as part of Budget 2019. The vision for the new science building is to allow science learning through two lenses - using both Indigenous knowledge and western science. Yukon College will officially become YukonU, Canada’s first university North of 60 in May 2020.

Ken McKinnon
Ken McKinnon served as Yukon College Chancellor from 2000 to 2004.

The Yukon College community is saddened by the passing of former chancellor Ken McKinnon. We offer our heartfelt  condolences to his family and friends.

Ken was our chancellor from 2000 to 2004, during a time where the College expanded its reach and reputation through becoming a founding member of the University of the Arctic.

Walking Our Path graphic

WHITEHORSE—Yukon College is launching an oral history of its journey towards reconciliation this week. 

Students attending WestCAST 2019
(l-r: Charlene Baker, Brian Lewthwaite, Johanna McClements, David Skelton, Bryan Laloge, Judy Leamon, Susu Robin, Carrie-Lyn Robinson, Meg Henderson and Colleen Latham)

WHITEHORSE—Eight Bachelor of Education students in the Yukon Native Teacher Education Program (YNTEP) and After-Degree program at Yukon College are sharing practical skills and knowledge

Faith Whiting CEES instructor/coordinator
Faith Whiting, Community Education and Employment Support certificate program (CEES) instructor/coordinator.

WHITEHORSE—Yukon College has announced a new program starting in September aimed at preparing students to take on front-line roles within First Nations education departments and other organizations in Yukon and Northern Canada. 

clean tech

Whitehorse – The 2019 Yukon Innovation Prize (YIP) competition offers Yukoners a chance at $70,000 for ideas that improve sustainability by using clean technologies.

WHITEHORSE—The Government of Yukon has appointed Judy Gingell, Tom Ullyett, Jocelyn Curteanu, Chris Milner, Eric Jun Hyeok Kim and Ernest Prokopchuk to the Yukon College Board of Governors.  

Judy Gingell was nominated by the Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN). She is a citizen of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation, member of the Order of Canada, former grand chief of the Council of Yukon Indians and former Commissioner of Yukon. Gingell has been a vital leader during Yukon First Nations land claims negotiations, from being a founding director of the Yukon Native Brotherhood and attending the historic 1973 meeting in Ottawa between Yukon chiefs and then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau, to signing the Umbrella Final Agreement in 1993. 

SSHRC Announcment
(l-r) Associate Vice President Indigenous Engagement and Reconciliation Tosh Southwick, Yukon MP Larry Bagnell, Associate Vice President Research Operations Clint Sawicki.

WHITEHORSEThe Government of Canada is committed to renewing its relationship with Indigenous peoples—one based on the recognition of rights, respect, collaboration and partnership.

Luzelle Nagel

WHITEHORSE—Luzelle Nagel has joined Yukon College as director of Finance & Administration.

Nagel was with Yukon Housing Corporation for nine years as a manager of Financial Planning and Reporting and most recently as manager of Finance.