2021 Yukon Innovation Prize

2021 Yukon Innovation Prize. Innovation for recovery. A grand prize of $30,000 and six prizes of $6,500 for creative solutions that address newly emerged challenges created by the global pandemic.

Innovation for recovery

Innovation & Entrepreneurship, in partnership with the Yukon Government, Department of Economic Development, is hosting the 7th annual Yukon Innovation Prize (YIP) to encourage the local development and delivery of innovative products and services.

This year’s competition seeks creative solutions that address newly emerged challenges created by the global pandemic. Adjudicators will be focused on direct or indirect challenges  – particularly focused in the health, society and the economy.

At a glance

Who can apply

  • Any Yukon-based resident, organization, or business is eligible to submit an application. 


  • A total of $69,000 will be awarded to seven eligible submissions: six micro grants of $6,500 each and one grand prize of $30,000.
  • All seven winners will also receive targeted wrap-around services from a business support team.


  • Submissions close 23:59 YST on February 21, 2021.
  • Coaching is available for application and idea development support and can be accessed at any time from the announcement to application closing date. Up to a maximum of 3 hours allotted per entrant.


  • Application: Download the application form from the right side of this page and complete it on a computer using Adobe Reader or any other free PDF software. Submit completed application(s) by email to innovation@yukonu.ca.
  • Coaching: Upon scheduling availability, access to coaching with Dänä Näye Ventures (DNV) will be made available to all prospective entrants for application and idea development support and can be accessed at any time from the announcement to application closing date. Up to a maximum of 3 hours allotted per entrant
  • Preliminary deadline: Applicants will be given the chance to submit a draft submission to I&E by January 15 and will receive basic feedback by January 22. The feedback can be incorporated into their final submission. A procedure to ensure fairness across all applicants will be designed and used. Preliminary submissions are optional, and no applicant will be rewarded or penalized for their preliminary submission in the final judgement.
  • Selection: Applications will be reviewed by a panel of independent judges. The judges will choose seven winners based on the criteria outlined below. The winners will be contacted individually and the prizes will be announced publicly at the beginning of March.
  • The contest is open to individuals, organizations, and businesses.
  • Individual applicants must be residents of Yukon.
  • Organizations and businesses must have a valid Yukon business license and a permanent business office in Yukon.
  • Any applicant (individual, organization, or business) can submit more than one entry, but each applicant will be eligible for only one prize.
  • An individual, organization, or business can only submit entries under a single name or group. Applicants who are part of an entry may not submit an entry separately. 
Submission process
  • entries received between 09:00 YST on February 1, 2021 and 23:59 YST on February 21, 2021 will be eligible for consideration
  • entries are to be submitted via email to innovation@yukonu.ca
  • applicants should answer all questions in the application form 
  • use the YIP application form as your submission

    **PLEASE NOTE** if you are uploading a larger file, please either 'zip' the file or print to PDF in order to reduce its size.

Please see the 2021 Yukon Innovation Prize Rules for full criteria details

The judging panel will review each submission to determine:

  • how innovative (new or different) the idea is
  • how well the project addresses newly emerged challenges created by the global pandemic
  • how strong the business potential is (i.e. how much market need and commercial viability there is)
  • the extent to which relevant mentors and advisors could help to advance the project

Consideration will also be given to selecting winners that represent Yukon’s diversity.