Jan. 2024 - Update
COVID-19 is still present but restrictions have been removed. It continues to be a concern for individuals who have compromised immunity or other health conditions. YukonU Research Ethics Board (REB) continues to encourage researchers to provide virtual options (MS Teams, Zoom), remote (e.g. phone, email) or online research methods in addition to any in-person activities, to remain inclusive of all potential participants. Researchers should continue to consider risks associated with COVID-19 and other transmittable respiratory infections in research ethics applications and consent forms.
The REB does not require the submission of a detailed Safe Research Plan for in-person research except for the following cases:
- Research involving vulnerable populations (see Vulnerability Considerations)
- Research involving individuals that are immune compromised or have pre-existing health conditions
- Case by case potentially higher risk situations (researchers will be notified by the REB)
- Safe Research Planning (March 2023)
- Safe Research Plan for vulnerable populations (Template March 2023)
- Vulnerability Considerations
- Checklist for Researchers - In-Person (Vulnerable Populations)
- Steps for a Safe Research Plan for In-Person Research
- Safe Research Plan for In-Person Research (Old Template) is no longer required. A safe research plan is only required if the study involves vulnerable populations. Use the form Safe Research Plan for vulnerable populations (Template March 2023) This is now only required for research involving immune compromised / vulnerable individuals.
- Checklist for Researchers - In-Person Human Participant Research
- Steps to Mitigate Risk - Applying Hierarchy of Controls for COVID-19
- Informed Consent Additions for COVID-19 and In-Person Research Template - PDF and Word version
- COVID-19 Risk and Re-Consent
- COVID-19 Interpretations - Panel on Research Ethics (September 2, 2020)
These guidelines and templates have been adapted from the University British Columbia, University of Guelph and the University of Saskatchewan and modified for use at Yukon University.
Previous updates
March 2023 - Update
COVID-19 is still present across the Yukon and some restrictions remain in effect. It can still be dangerous, especially to someone who is immuno-compromised, or have pre-existing health conditions. There are still some locations such as long-term care homes, health facilities, hospitals, shelters etc. that have a mandatory masking requirement. Other organizations may request that people wear masks before entering a space. Details of Yukon Restrictions. It is important when working in Yukon communities that you also know what restrictions or requirements are in place. The Council of Yukon First Nations have a Yukon First Nations COVID-19 Information Hub that researchers should consult.
The YukonU Research Ethics Board (REB) continues to encourage researchers to use virtual (MS Teams, Zoom), remote (e.g. phone, email) or online research methods where possible. Researchers should continue to consider risks associated with COVID-19 in their research ethics applications and consent forms. These should be included in the risks and mitigation strategies for ensuring physical safety in their research. We no longer require the submission of a detailed Safe Research Plan for in-person research except for the following cases:
- Research involving vulnerable populations (see Vulnerability Considerations)
- Research involving individuals that are immuno-compromised or have pre-existing health conditions
- Case by case potentially higher risk situations (researchers will be notified by the REB)
The REB continues to acknowledge that all research activities should follow YukonU policies and procedures as well as the advice and recommendations of public health officials. We are dedicated to keeping our communities and campuses safe. Masks recommended, at your personal discretion, when in public spaces, classrooms or offices where physical distance cannot be maintained. Health, safety and well-being are a top priority for YukonU.
July 2022
The Research Ethics Board (REB) recommends that remote methods be used whenever possible. Health, safety and well-being are our top priority. YukonU is dedicated to keeping our communities and campuses safe.
Protecting ourselves and each other: As COVID-19 cases in Yukon decline, the CMOH has shifted safety measures from mandatory measures to each of us using personal discretion. However, the risk of COVID-19 remains. Going forward, our continued vigilance around masking when we feel it is necessary, sanitizing our hands frequently, getting vaccinated, maintaining physical distance where possible and staying home when experiencing sickness or symptoms, are our best individual and collective defence against COVID-19. For the latest information on the Yukon COVID-19 situation see the Yukon government website. Researchers should continue to consider having a Safe Research Plan for in-person research and the steps that will be followed to manage and mitigate risks associated with COVID-19. A checklist is available for researchers considering in-person human participant research. This should be considered a risk for any in-person research and included on your application in addition to your safe research plan. Be sure to consider vulnerabilities in your planning.
November 4, 2021- Update on COVID-19 protocols for human participant research
The Research Ethics Board (REB) still recommends that remote methods be used whenever possible. In-person research will only be approved if it is essential to the research, is permitted under Yukon University and Chief Medical Officer of Health guidelines (see details below) at the time when research is undertaken, and the application clearly outlines steps to be taken to ensure safety and mitigate risks to participants, researchers, and communities.
The REB continues to follow the requirements and processes of Yukon University and the Yukon Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) for COVID-19 protocols. Yukon University has adopted a new colour status system for COVID protocols at campuses. All decisions regarding the protocols have been made in consultation with Yukon’s CMOH. This is to be used for planning in-person activities for meetings and activities including research. The system comprises a green, yellow and red status depending on the number of COVID cases present in the community where the campus is located. Case numbers are taken from the status posted on the Government of Yukon website and formal announcements from the CMOH. For any field activities involving communities that are in the red or yellow status, a field activity plan must be submitted to your senior team supervisor. For in-person human participant research, a safe research plan is required (see template) and must be approved by your supervisor before submitting to the REB.
Red status means that no indoor gatherings are permitted, and all meetings must be remote or conducted outdoors. If status is Yellow then meetings and gatherings are permitted indoors with physical distancing. With Red status, only essential travel and approved field activities are permitted.
The REB will review the status of locations in the Yukon to help determine decisions regarding in-person research. All researchers must continue to provide a Safe Research Plan for in-person research and the steps that will be followed to manage and mitigate risks associated with COVID-19. A checklist is available for researchers considering in-person human participant research. This should be considered a risk for any in-person research and included on your application in addition to your safe research plan. Be sure to consider vulnerabilities in your planning.
Please note: Any travel to Yukon communities requires a YukonU in-Territory Travel Request form.
As of November 2, 2021 the status for Whitehorse is Red. This means that there are no in-person activities permitted indoors.
November 23, 2020
Following the Yukon's Chief Medical Officer of Health's COVID-19 update November 18th, YukonU is tightening their protocols. YukonU does not recommend non-essential travel INSIDE the territory, between campuses. Any such travel plans must be approved by your supervisor. Given the current situation, the REB does not recommend any travel for human participant research at this time.
Research involving human participants under Covid-19 restrictions
The COVID-19 pandemic and physical distancing and other measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 have significantly affected human-participant research. Yukon University is committed to the responsible resumption of human-participant research by following the guidance and directives that are currently in place. As research activities resume, we must follow the directives and requirements of Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Yukon University and Government of Canada. As this is a dynamic situation, research with human participants may need to be scaled back or halted, depending on broader Public Health guidelines. The Yukon University Research Ethics Board (REB) will follow a phased approach with ongoing assessment of the COVID-19 situation that allows for the return to more restricted human participant research if necessary. The initial phase permitted only remote research methods, with no in-person work. In the current phase, the REB will consider some in-person activities if all the conditions and requirements for safe research are met. This is required for research that is conducted on campus or in Yukon communities.
COVID transmission risks must be part of the ethical considerations for the approval of any human participant research. No matter where the research occurs, it may present incremental research-related risks, including increased exposure to participants and other people, travel risks, privacy and security risks associated with online research, and ensuring secure communication protocols and platforms. Some research groups, such as the aged or immuno-compromised individuals, may be at greater risk than others (see Vulnerability Considerations).
The following covers the range of options and considerations for new and ongoing human participant research:
1. Continuation of remote research methods
- To reduce risks of the transmission of COVID-19, research activities should take place using secure remote/virtual interactions rather than in-person as much as possible. This is the best practice to maintain the safety and health of research participants, research team members, collaborators, Indigenous nations, community organizations, etc.
- Please see the templates and guidelines section on the research ethics webpages for the use of remote methods and video conferencing for collecting data from human participants.
- Please see the Panel on Research Ethics: New Risks Arising From Changes to Researcher’s Plan for Interacting with Participants for a good discussion regarding new risks and ethical issues to consider when doing remote research.
- With the use of remote practices, applications to the REB can continue to list the in-person component with the written confirmation that only the remote practices will proceed until the restrictions on in-person research are lifted or approval has been given for in-person activities
2. Evaluating the Need for and Planning of Safe In-Person Research
The Yukon University REB understands that sometimes it is not appropriate or feasible to conduct certain human participant research remotely and that in-person interactions are necessary. Researchers seeking to conduct in-person research must follow the guidelines and steps to ensure safe in-person participant-researcher interactions. You must complete a Safe Research Plan (SRP) for Face-to-Face Human Research and submit to your Department/Division Supervisor for approval. Clearly explain why it is necessary to use in-person methods.
See Checklist for Researchers – Return to In-Person Human Participant Research for steps to take to assist with the planning of in-person research during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Support materials:
- Steps for Completing and Managing Your Safe Research Plan for in-person research
- Safe Research Plan Template
- Vulnerability Considerations when doing in-person research
- Steps to Mitigate Risk – Hierarchy of Controls for COVID-19
3. Amendments to Previously Approved Studies
For any ongoing human participant research that was approved for in-person interactions prior to the beginning of the pandemic, steps outlined in #2 (above) must also be followed and new documents submitted to the REB for new approval. See Checklist for Researchers - Return to In-Person Human Participant Research for details of documents needed. Changes must be submitted for ethics review by the REB.
Participants already enrolled in studies must be presented with the new information about COVID-19 risks and consent to continue participation. See Guidance Materials: COVID-19 Risks & Re-Consent and Informed Consent Additions for COVID-19. Please note the Vulnerability Considerations.
Yukon University under the guidance and requirements of the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) will continue to assess the COVID-19 situation and adapt procedures to reflect evolving circumstances around the review and approval of human participant research. The REB follows the requirements of TCPS2.
REB review of research projects will continue at this time. Check the website for application deadlines and meeting schedules.
Please contact Valoree Walker, Research Ethics Coordinator if you have any questions about research ethics and requirements.
For up-to-date information on COVID-19, visit Health Canada.