Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences Diploma

students in the field

Contribute to a sustainable and resilient North.

Merge natural and social sciences to gain a foundation for exploring conservation and sustainability challenges in northern regions.

Program description

The Diploma in Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences (formerly the Northern Science diploma, ENCS stream), prepares students for transfer to the Bachelor of Science in Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences (ENCS) program, offered at Yukon University in partnership with the University of Alberta. 

The diploma program provides two years of university transferable courses that fulfill the requirements of the first two years of the Northern Systems Major of the B.Sc. ENCS degree with University of Alberta. 

After completion of the Diploma in Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences, students may be eligible to transfer into the third year of the B.Sc. ENCS program with a Major in Northern Systems.  Note that acceptance to the Diploma in Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences does not guarantee admission to the B.Sc. ENCS program. For more information on transfer to the degree, visit

The Diploma of Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences is awarded for the completion of the equivalent of 60 credits of university-level coursework. Courses are selected from Core and Elective options, as well as two additional three-credit "free electives".  These free electives can be chosen from a variety of disciplines (discuss with a Program Advisor).



Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, students must have completed a minimum of two of the following high school subjects, or equivalencies:

  • English 12
  • Biology 11
  • Chemistry 11
  • Precalculus 12 or Principles of Mathematics 12

Students who do not have all of the high school subjects or equivalencies listed above may be admitted to the Diploma in Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences program but will be required to complete upgrading for the subjects that they are missing.  Upgrading courses are available through YukonU's School of Academic and Skill Development.

Graduation requirements

Students must complete the required courses, as well as two, three credit "free electives". Please see the Northern ENCS Diploma program guide, available as a pdf for download from the Program Guide section below.

In addition to passing all the required courses, the student must:

  • complete 50% of the course work at Yukon University
  • maintain a 2.00 cumulative GPA (C average) across all courses
  • meet the YukonU First Nations core competency requirement
Yukon First Nations Core Competency

Yukon University recognizes that a greater understanding and awareness of Yukon First Nations history, culture and journey towards self-determination will help to build positive relationships among all Yukon citizens. As a result, you will be required to achieve core competency in knowledge of Yukon First Nations.

For details, visit Yukon First Nations Core Competency


After completing the Diploma of Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences, students may apply to transfer into the third year of the Bachelor of Science in Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences program (Northern Systems Major) offered by the University of Alberta at Yukon University. 

Note: students must meet the entrance requirements of the University of Alberta, Faculty of Agricultural, Life, and Environmental Sciences, including a minimum Admission Grade Point Average (AGPA) of 2.3.

Career opportunities

The Diploma of Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences, prepares students for studies in the Bachelor of Science in Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences degree offered at Yukon University in partnership with the University of Alberta, or for transfer to B.Sc., professional, or technical programs at other institutions.

The program also presents an ideal continuing education opportunity and is useful for professionals seeking a northern specialization in their respective fields. Students who complete the Diploma of Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences may pursue a variety of careers with federal, territorial, provincial or First Nation governments, as well as with non-profit organizations, consulting firms, and industry. 

Examples of potential employment include:

  • Fish and Wildlife Technician
  • Lands and Resources Officer
  • Park and Protected Area Planner
  • Natural History or Heritage Interpreter
  • Environmental Assessment Officer
Money matters


Tuition for credit programs is calculated per course credit. See money matters for more information.

Some programs and courses have additional fees - see Ancillary Fees.

Student financial awards

Education is an investment in your future, your family and your community. Yukon University is pleased to support that investment by offering some of the most competitive tuition rates in the country, as well as several student financial awards to help offset your educational and living costs.

Financial assistance

There are government programs, scholarships, bursaries, awards and First Nation funding available to financially support you throughout your academic career.

See money matters for more information, or talk to our financial advising staff in the Student Services Centre. Email or call 867 456 8574 to make an appointment.

Program Guides

A program planning guide lays out the courses and requirements needed to graduate from a particular program. It guides you through course selection options for each term, provides a sample program pathway and acts as a tool to track your progress.


Mathematics: one required

Title Campus Scheduled
MATH 100 - Single Variable Calculus 1
MATH 120 - Mathematics for the Life Sciences Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)

Program Elective: one required

Title Campus Scheduled
ANTH 101 - Biological Anthropology
ANTH 101L - Biological Anthropology Lab
ANTH 103 - Introduction to Archaeology
ANTH 140 - Introduction to the Fields of Anthropology
ANTH 221 - Subarctic Archaeology
ASTR 100 - Introduction to Astronomy Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
BIOL 225 - Ornithology - Introduction to the Biology of Birds Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
CHEM 111 - Chemical Energetics and Dynamics Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
CHEM 111L - Chemical Energetics and Dynamics Lab Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
ENVS 100 - Introduction to Environmental Science 1
ENVS 100L - Environmental Science I Lab
ENVS 225 - Environmental Change and Fish and Wildlife Health
ENVS 226 - Environmental Change and Community Health
ENVS 227 - Yukon Source Water Protection and Watershed Stewardship Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
GEOG 101 - Earth Systems: Atmosphere and Climate
GEOG 101L - Introduction to Physical Geography I Lab
GEOG 102 - Earth Systems: Landscapes and Natural Hazards Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
GEOG 102L - Physical Geography II Lab Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
GEOL 105 - Physical Geology
GEOL 105L - Physical Geology Lab
GEOL 106 - Historical Geology Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
GEOL 106L - Historical Geology Lab Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
GEOL 107 - Geological Field Methods and Mapping 1 Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
GEOL 108 - Earth Through Time Online/Video
GEOL 301 - Hydrogeology Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
GEOL 301L - Hydrogeology Lab Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
NOST 101 - The Circumpolar World Online/Video
NOST 200 - Research in the North
NOST 202 - Social History of the North
NOST 324 - Contemporary Issues in the Circumpolar World I
NOST 325 - Contemporary Issues in the Circumpolar World II Online/Video
NOST 326 - Lands and Environments of the Circumpolar North I
NOST 327 - Lands and Environments of the Circumpolar World II Online/Video
NOST 328 - Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar North I
NOST 329 - Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar North II Online/Video
NSCI 201 - Research Skills and Proposal Writing Online/Video
NSCI 202 - Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting
PHYS 101 - Elementary Physics 1
PHYS 101L - Elementary Physics I Lab