north2north exchanges

n2n Staff Mobility Info Session

If you want to learn more about what a staff exchange could like? Join us on Jan 23rd at noon

January 23
Online 12 noon Yukon Time (YT)
Join the meeting with this link

Empowering northerners and northern communities through education and shared knowledge

The north2north mobility program is offered through the University of the Arctic (UArctic) and provides exchange opportunities at participating institutions across the circumpolar north. Further information about north2north can be found in the program guidelines or on the UArctic website.



Northern Canada north2north funding:

The northern Canadian north2north funding is available for students and staff/faculty at participating north2north member institutions in Canada with a priority to support those who are living in or from Canada's arctic and northern regions (YT, NT, NU, Labrador), and/or studying/researching/teaching subjects relevant to Arctic, Indigenous or Northern Circumpolar subjects. Exchanges can take place between participating north2north institutions in USA, Iceland, Greenland, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Tasmania, UK, and Sweden. Exchanges between or to the territories of Canada may be supported as well. 

There are typically two application rounds annually, the main round is held in February each year, with an additional round in September (dependent on funding  availability)

Steps to apply:

  1. Contact your home institution's north2north coordinator so they are aware of your interest in going on an exchange through north2north.
  2. Apply for funding by using the application links below. Student semester exchanges can take place in the Fall 2025 or Winter 2026, short term exchanges for students and staff between April 2025 to March 2026.

    Students: Ensure download and fill in this motivational questionnaire and have a transcript in English to upload to your application.

    Staff: You will be expected to upload an exchange proposal to your application (1,000 words max). Please review proposal guidelines HERE.

    Group Applications: We are accepting group applications this year. Group applications can be submitted by a staff or faculty member from a Canadian institution participating in the n2n program. Group applications will be considered for student study tours, cultural exchanges, and internship opportunities. If you are interested in submitting a group application, please contact for more information and an application form.

  3. If successful, work with your home institution north2north coordinator to set up an exchange.
Application Information

Applications are now OPEN.

Deadline to apply is February 15 

Staff: Apply Here

Students: Apply Here

Group Applications: email for an application form

Inbound Students (from Iceland, UK, USA): Apply Here 

Contact if you have any questions 





This program is intended but not limited to make exchange opportunities throughout the circumpolar north available to arctic and northern students and staff/faculty studying in or working in Canada’s north, as well for students in under-represented groups in study abroad programs.  

Priorities for offering exchanges as follow:

  1. Indigenous students and/or staff/faculty in and from the north (YT, NT, NU, Labrador).
  2. Non-Indigenous students and/or staff/faculty in and from the north (YT, NT, NU, Labrador).
  3. All other Canadian students studying at a north2north member institution. Students who are enrolled in or interested in studying programs related to Arctic, Indigenous or Northern Circumpolar studies will be prioritized.
  4. All other Canadian staff/faculty working at a north2north member institution. Priority will be given to those whose work is affiliated northern/arctic research or is connected to an institution in the north.
  5. Students from a north2north member institution in USA, the UK, or Iceland wanting to attend a north2north institution in Canada, priority will be given to students planning to attend an institution in northern Canada.

Requirements for Students 
  1. A student must be considered a domestic student in a Diploma, Degree and/or Graduate program and have or will have completed at least one year of post-secondary studies prior to their exchange.
  2. Students must be enrolled at a participating north2north member institution.
  3. Students must be considered in good academic standing by their home institution.
  4. Length of funding will be supported for up to one semester, inclusive of short term exchanges. 

Requirements for Staff/Faculty

  1. Staff/faculty will be expected to receive approval from their home institution and to make all necessary arrangements with a host institution.
  2. Staff/faculty must be working at a participating north2north member institution in Canada or be affiliated through the work they are doing with an institution in Canada’s north (YT, NT, NU, Labrador).
  3. Length of funding will be supported for up to two weeks.
Grant information

Please note: The north2north mobility grants are intended to support travel and other related costs for participants but are not intended to cover all expenses incurred by participants. Participants will be expected to ensure they have adequate funds prior to participating in an exchange.  

Outbound Students (from Canada)

Funding can support short term exchanges up to one semester of study with maximum financing of $9,000 CAD, additional funds may be granted on a case-by-case basis due to special circumstances. 

Type Examples Budget (CDN)  
Travel Return Airfare, ground transportation, travel and medical insuranceUp to $3,000  
Student Visa'sFor semester exchanges, application fee for student visa's will be covered.Application fee 
Stipends for semester exchanges/longer term placements (1-6 months)Living expenses such as food and accommodation.Up to $1,200/month or $300/week for the duration of exchange  
Stipends for *short term exchanges (1-3 weeks)Living expenses such as food and accommodation.Up to $400 per week for the duration of your exchange 
Special CircumstancesChildcare, remote/rural travel, disability/accessibility needs Participants can apply for additional funds to a maximum of $1,500 

* Short term exchanges may include but are not limited to practicum placements, for credit field courses/programs, capstone projects, research projects, internships and cultural exchanges.

Incoming Students (to Canada)

There will be a small number of grants available for incoming students to Canada from Iceland, the UK, and USA for semester exchanges. Successful applicants will be granted up to $5,000 CAD.

Staff/Faculty (from a Canadian n2n member institution)

A north2north mobility exchange should contribute to strengthening of knowledge sharing and relationships between north2north institutions in a circumpolar context. Activities such as teaching and networking/knowledge sharing to build relationships will be prioritized over conferences and events. 

The duration of the exchange is flexible with an ideal exchange length of 10 working days. Staff can apply for a north2north grant to help offset travel expenses. Successful applicants will be granted up to $5,000 CAD.

Type Examples Budget (CDN) 
Grant Return Airfare, ground transportation, food & accommodationUp to $5,000
Special Circumstances Remote/rural travel, childcare, disability/accessibility needs Participants can apply for additional funds to a maximum of $1,500
Program map: north2north Institutions
north2north institution map preview

Need help deciding where to go? Browse the north2north institution map and explore program areas of study to find a good fit for your exchange.

View the north2north map

UArctic opportunities

Virtual Study Opportunity

Introduction to Indigenous Perspectives on Special Education

Course taught through the Sámi University of Applied Science

Students will learn the basics of special education from global Indigenous perspectives. Taught in English and is free.

Visit: Course Description to find out more.