Fall 2024 term (202401)
Labour Day YukonU closed |
Orientation for new students |
First day of classes |
Final day to change programs Departmental approval required |
International applications close for Winter 2025 (202402) for applicants without a study permit |
Payment due for all Fall 2024 (202401) tuition and fees |
Final day to add, drop, or change courses Final day for refund |
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation YukonU closed |
International applications close for Winter 2025 (202402) for applicants with a valid study permit |
Thanksgiving Day YukonU closed |
Domestic applications open for Winter 2025 (202402) and Fall 2025 (202501) |
Registration opens for Winter 2025 (202402) |
International applications open for Fall 2025 (202501) |
Final day to withdraw or change to audit Final day to withdraw or change to audit from credit courses without academic penalty |
Final day to apply to graduate Final day to submit an Application to Graduate if completing program this term |
Remembrance Day YukonU closed |
Fall Reading Week (no scheduled classes) |
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Domestic applications close for Winter 2025 (202402) |
Final day to defer applications for Winter 2025 (202402) |
Final day of regularly scheduled classes for Fall 2024 (202401) |
Replacement day Replacement day for Monday classes |
Examination period begins |
Examination period ends Final grades are to be submitted within three (3) working days after either the last class or final exam, whichever is later |
Christmas Day YukonU closed |
Boxing Day YukonU closed |
YukonU closed |
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Winter 2025 term (202402)
New Year's Day YukonU closed |
Orientation for new students |
First day of classes |
International applications close for Spring 2025 (202403) for applicants without a study permit |
Final day to change programs Departmental approval required |
Payment due for all Winter 2025 (202402) tuition and fees |
Final day to add, drop, or change courses Final day for refund |
International applications close for Spring 2025 (202403) for students with a current study permit |
Registration opens for Spring/Summer 2025 (202403) |
Winter reading week No scheduled classes |
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Heritage Day YukonU closed |
Final day to withdraw or change to audit Final day to withdraw or change to audit from credit courses without academic penalty |
Final day to apply to graduate Final day to submit an Application to Graduate if completing program this term |
Final day to defer applications for Spring/Summer 2025 (202403) |
Final day of regularly scheduled classes for 2025 (202402) |
Examination period begins |
Good Friday YukonU closed |
Easter Monday YukonU closed |
Examination period ends Final grades are to be submitted within three (3) working days after either the last class or final exam, whichever is later |
Spring/Summer 2025 term (202403)
First day of classes |
International applications close for Fall 2025 (202501) for applicants without a study permit |
Payment due for all Spring/Summer tuition and fees |
Final day to add, drop, or change courses Final day for refund |
Final day to apply to graduate Final day to submit an Application to Graduate if completing program this term |
Victoria Day YukonU closed |
International applications open for Spring/Summer 2026 (202503) |
International applications close for Fall 2025 (202501) for students with a current study permit |
Convocation |
Registration opens for Fall 2025 (202501) |
Final day to withdraw or change to audit Final day to withdraw or change to audit from credit courses without academic penalty |
National Indigenous Peoples Day (observed) YukonU closed |
Canada Day YukonU closed |
Final day for classes and examinations Final grades are to be submitted within three (3) working days after either the last class or final exam, whichever is later |
Domestic applications close for Fall 2025 (202501) |
Final day to defer applications for Fall 2025 (202501) |
Discovery Day YukonU closed |
Fall 2025 term (202501)
Labour Day YukonU closed |
Orientation day for new students |
First day of regularly scheduled classes |
Final day to change programs Departmental approval required |
Final day to add, drop, or change courses |
Payment due for Fall 2025 tuition and fees Final day for refunds |
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation YukonU closed |
Domestic applications open for Fall 2026 |
International applications open for Fall 2026 |
Thanksgiving Day YukonU closed |
Fall Reading Week No scheduled classes |
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Registration opens for Winter 2026 |
Final day to withdraw or change to audit Final day to withdraw or change to audit from credit courses without academic penalty |
Final day to apply to graduate Final day to submit an Application to Graduate if completing program this term |
Remembrance Day YukonU closed |
Domestic applications close for Winter 2026 |
International applications close for Spring/Summer 2026 |
Final day to defer applications for Winter 2026 |
Final day of regularly scheduled classes for Fall 2025 |
Replacement day To make up for Monday holidays |
Examination period begins |
Deadline to create an Open Studies account for Winter 2026 |
Examination period ends Final grades are to be submitted within three (3) working days after either the last class or final exam, whichever is later |
Christmas Day YukonU closed |
Holiday Break YukonU closed |
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Boxing Day YukonU closed |
Winter 2026 term (202502)
New Year's Day YukonU closed |
Orientation for new students |
First day of regularly scheduled classes |
Final day to change programs Departmental approval required |
Final day to add, drop, or change courses |
Payment due for all Winter 2026 tuition and fees Final day for refunds |
Domestic applications open for Winter 2027 |
Domestic applications open for Winter 2027 |
International applications open for Winter 2027 |
Registration opens for Spring/Summer 2025 |
Heritage Day YukonU closed |
Final day to withdraw or change to audit Final day to withdraw or change to audit from regularly scheduled Winter 2026 credit courses without academic penalty |
Winter Reading Week and Arctic Winter Games No scheduled classes |
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Domestic applications close for Spring 2026 |
Final day to apply to graduate Final day to submit an Application to Graduate if completing program this term |
International applications close for Fall 2026 |
Final day to defer applications for Spring/Summer 2025 |
Good Friday YukonU closed |
Easter Monday YukonU closed |
Final day of regularly scheduled classes for Winter 2025 |
Examination period begins |
Deadline to create an Open Studies account for Spring/Summer 2026 |
Examination period ends Final grades are to be submitted within three (3) working days after either the last class or final exam, whichever is later |
Spring/Summer 2026 term (202503)
First day of regularly scheduled classes |
Final day to add, drop, or change courses |
Payment due for all Spring/Summer 2026 tuition and fees Final day for refunds |
Victoria Day YukonU closed |
Domestic applications open for Spring/Summer 2027 |
International applications open for Spring/Summer 2027 |
Convocation |
Registration opens for Fall 2026 |
Final day to add, drop, or change courses Final day to withdraw or change to audit from regularly scheduled Spring/Summer 2026 credit courses without academic penalty |
National Indigenous Peoples Day (observed) YukonU closed |
Canada Day YukonU closed |
Final day for regularly scheduled classes and examinations Final grades are to be submitted within three (3) working days after either the last class or final exam, whichever is later |
Domestic applications close for Fall 2026 |
Final day to defer applications for Fall 2026 |
International applications close for Winter 2027 |
Discovery Day YukonU closed |
Deadline to create an Open Studies account for Fall 2026 |