YFN 101 is available for online and in-person contract training to meet the specific needs of your team or organization.
YFN 001 - Yukon First Nations 101
Yukon First Nations 101 has been developed to educate students, employees, and the public about the history and culture of First Nations in the Yukon. The course also touches on the cultural values shared among Yukon First Nations today and how to communicate respectfully with First Nation individuals and communities.
Self-paced online training
General public
YFN 101 is available online and on-demand.
Purchase your course now
You will have three months from the purchase date to complete the workshop.
Yukon Government departments,
please contact yfn101@yukonu.ca for access.
Already purchased your course?
YukonU students and staff
Self-paced training is available online through Moodle.
Contact the IT Help Desk if you need support accessing Moodle.
YFN 001
This course has no upcoming sessions scheduled