JUST CE138 - Finding Your Resiliency and Optimism – Segment B: The Resilient Organization

Transforming Workplace Culture

In this half-day workshop, you will discover the art of organizational awareness and explore how to create the conditions to achieve your goals for a healthy and effective workplace. The journey to organizational resiliency starts with getting curious about what is happening for your employees. What aspects of your workplace culture serve the organization well? What aspects of your workplace culture are holding the organization back from reaching its full potential? How do you know? Why does it matter?

This workshop introduces participants to the concept of organizational resiliency using the EQEX VIDA Entera Resiliency Framework to examine the complex interactions that create and shift the culture within an organization.

Participants will be able to:

• Recognize organizational resiliency and understand the connection to employee engagement, psychological safety, risk management and sustained innovation in the workplace.
• Understand the energy equation as it applies to an organization and explore how to create optional conditions for effective and efficient business function.
• Understand the trust equation as it applies to an organization and explore how to foster a high-trust work environment leads to higher employee productivity and engagement.
• Apply the VIDA Entera Resiliency Framework to your organization and explore each of the four foundational practices through the lens of organizational culture.
• Recognize how organizational resiliency connects to the five composite scales of emotional intelligence and examine how you can assess and further a group’s potential to overcome challenges specific to their workplace.
• Identify additional resources and tailored support to explore how to develop a resiliency plan that can guide the creation of conditions for your organization (team) to thrive in today’s ongoing uncertainty, increased complexity and changing societal demands.

The instructor acknowledges there is a diversity in learning styles and will use a variety of activities, including presentation, storytelling, reflective inquiry and facilitated group discussion. Participants will be provided with a resource list and workshop materials.

Instructor Nicole Morgan has diverse professional experience of more than 30 years as an educator and executive leader within the public service. She is a certified emotional intelligence consultant and a certified professional executive leadership coach. She holds a Master of Educational Leadership, a Post- Master’s Certificate in Counselling, and a Post-Graduate certificate in Transformative Education Leadership.

CRN Instructional method Instructor Location Start date Seats available* Cost
90097 Face-to-face Synchronous Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
Cost: $125.00
Tax: $6.25
Class schedule
Start date End date Room Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Classroom - Face to Face C1530 - - 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - - - -