JUST CE130 - Intimate Partner Violence & Family Law - Part 2

This webinar builds on the learnings from Intimate Family Violence and Family Law Part 1, which is a prerequisite for registration in Part 2.

This webinar is intended for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the realities of family law for survivors of IPV.
Topics covered will include:

• How to find and present strong evidence of IPV
• Managing parenting with an abusive ex-partner: child abduction, moving with children, safe communication, dealing with non-compliance
• Safety planning for the court process and after
• Pros and cons of litigation and alternate dispute resolution
• Role of lawyers and advocates

This interactive webinar will use an intersectional feminist analysis/ framework, recognizing that while men, trans and non-binary folx can
be victims of IPV, the victims of the most serious forms of coercive controlling and physical abuse— including lethal violence—are people who identify as women. This webinar is the second in a four-part series on IPV. It is not necessary to have attended the first webinar to register for this one. However, IPV and Family Law Part 1 is a pre-requisite for IPV and Family Law Part 2.

The instructor, Pamela Cross, is a feminist lawyer who has worked on the legal issues related to gender-based violence for nearly three decades. See: https://pamelacross.ca/

If you or someone close to you is a victim or survivor of intimate partner or gender-based violence, you may find some of the content of this webinar challenging. We encourage you to put in place whatever supports you think you may need, including having someone with you, so you can engage in the webinar in a way that works for you, whether that is listening, or offering comments, or asking questions.

This course has no upcoming sessions scheduled