JUST CE112 - Talking Tough (Topics)
The skill and practice of navigating difficult conversations.
What do we do when we need to bring up a difficult topic? How do we have meaningful dialogue when the subject matter is hard to discuss?
Often we avoid initiating conversations we know are going to be hard. Maybe we do this because it’s uncomfortable, or because we have to be vulnerable and we’re ‘scared’, or maybe because we know the other person is going to have a strong reaction to our efforts. That doesn’t mean we should avoid them, and it doesn’t mean these chats are always going to be hard.
This workshop will help highlight preparing ourselves to have tough chats with others, and will help to brainstorm our own needs and best skills for being present in conversations when the topic is a tough one. The goal is to build confidence in ability to navigate important discussions – with family, with friends and even in the workplace.
This workshop will run 1.5hrs with approximately an hour of content with room for discussion and questions during at the end of the workshop.
Instructors: Erin Legault and Megan Grudeski
Registration deadline is Sept 26, 2024.