JUST 056 - Restorative Responses to Trauma and Adversity - IIRP
Developed and delivered by the International Institute for Restorative Practices - Canada, this
2-day course explores restorative practices for effectively responding to serious incidents and trauma. The course incorporates interactive instruction, case studies, storytelling and personal reflection, during which participants:
* learn about Restorative Questions and Compassionate Witnessing, for working with highly traumatized populations or clients
* view and discuss videos illustrating the emotional dynamics and healing potential of restorative practices following serious incidents
* explore the grieving process from a practical perspective
* learn about self-care for those who work with traumatized clients; and how organizations can address staff health and well-being
<u>Who would benefit:</u> caregivers, volunteers, or frontline and support workers in advocacy,
education, health, justice, community services, social services and wellness fields, who work with youth, adults, families or communities.
<i>This course is not intended or designed to provide counselling or treatment</i>