Yukoners will soon have a new resource that will provide training and education to Yukoners in a wide variety of social justice fields and will also undertake related research.
The Northern Institute of Social Justice is preparing to deliver training programs in 2010. The institute will be based at Yukon College, Justice Minister Marian C. Horne, Education Minister Patrick Rouble, Health and Social Services Minister Glenn Hart and Yukon College President Terry Weninger announced today.
“Through the institute, employees in public and First Nation governments, organizations and businesses will deliver programs and services that will help Yukoners address a variety of challenges and possibilities,” Horne said.
About eight per cent of all jobs in Yukon – 1,390 in total – have been identified as having a social justice-related component.
Yukon College is celebrating the season and boosting the College Facebook page with a Yukon winter photo contest.
The Cold Snaps photo contest is open to all Yukoners, with the exception of Yukon College staff. A judge’s panel will award prizes to the top three photographers who capture an outstanding image of winter. The first place winner will receive a Canon PowerShot digital camera, second place will win a $100 gift certificate for the iTunes Store and third place will take away a seven inch digital photograph frame. The contest kicked off December 4th and all submissions must be in by February 12th, 2010 by 4 p.m. Winners will be announced February 26th.
“We’re using Facebook for this contest to show Yukoners that our page is a great way to keep in touch with what’s going on at the College,” says Jacqueline Bedard, Director of College Relations.

For over 20 years, Yukon College has celebrated the arrival of the holidays with a First Nations feast and this year will be no exception, with a festive event planned for staff and students.

Before students leave for the holidays, they will have the chance to gather for the feast on December 8th at 12 p.m. in the “Pit.” There will be turkey with all the trimmings, oranges, candy and more. Ben Charlie will provide entertainment with his fiddle and Mr. and Mrs. Claus may also make an appearance.

“This event brings staff and students together and it helps strengthen the relationship between First Nations and non-First Nations people,” says Randall Tetlichi, Cultural Development Facilitator at the College.

 The last day of classes is December 18th and the College will be closed for the holidays December 25th to January 1st.

Whitehorse, Yukon – On Monday, December 7, at noon in the Boardroom, the University of Alberta (UofA) and Yukon College (YC) will sign a Collaborative Program Agreement for an Environmental and Conservation Sciences Degree. This agreement will be what is commonly referred to as a 2+2 program – two years in a Yukon College program and then two years in the University of Alberta Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree program. Most students will begin with two years in either the Renewable Resource Management or Northern Science Diploma programs before transferring into the BSc, however other routes of entry will also be available. All studies could take place at Yukon  College taught by UofA and YC faculty, or students could choose to spend some or all of their +2 study time at UofA. It will also be possible for students from Edmonton to complete part of their program in Whitehorse.


A special fall literary issue of the Northern Review, Yukon College’s multidisciplinary journal of the arts and social sciences of the North, features a collection of northern poetry, fiction and essays by more than 40 writers from northern Canada and Alaska.
The Northern Review in the only peer-reviewed journal in Canada devoted exclusively to northern issues and published North of 60 - at Yukon College. The special edition will be released this month and will include both up-and-coming and well-known Yukon writers such as, Patricia Robertson, Erling Friis-Basstad, Lily Gontard and Clea Roberts.
Eric Heyne is the Interim Dean of Arts at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and was guest editor on the special edition. "This is the second special literary issue; the first was published in 1993," he says.

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Yukon College’s new website is gaining momentum and seeing increased traffic, with 27,000 unique visitors who connected to the site 81,000 times in the first two months.

The website was soft-launched at the end of September as part of the College’s rebranding. The objective of the new site is to simplify navigation, sport the new Yukon College brand and provide current, intuitively located information.

“Improving the identity of the College is one of our six strategic goals and the website is an important component of that,” Bedard says. “Increasingly, this will be the source for program and course information.”

Two new Board members were appointed to the Yukon College Board this month. Ranj Pillai is the staff representative, nominated by college employees, and Fabiana Naves is the student union representative, chosen by the student union.

Pillai has worked at Yukon College for the past five years as an Instructor and Coordinator. He was also recently elected to Whitehorse City Council and he’s active in many community organizations including the FASSY Board, Whitehorse Elementary School Council, and Copper Ridge Neighborhood Association.

Naves is an international student from Belo Horizonte, Brazil who is studying Tourism. As Student Union President, a full-time student herself, and holding down several part-time jobs, Naves is busy learning about the life, culture and governing structures of Canada.

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Two-time bursary and scholarship recipient,
Kimberly Blake receives her awards from
Yukon College President, Terry Weninger.

    A Yukon College student dedicated to giving back to the community is among four students being recognized with scholarship and bursary money this semester, this time totaling $2,000.

Yukon College will be on Parliament Hill next week helping to promote the value of community colleges as a central part of Canada’s economic and social development.

Karen Barnes, Vice President of Education and Training, will participate in the Association of Canadian Community Colleges on Parliament Hill event on November 16th and 17th. Barnes will gather in Ottawa with 100 other college representatives, including the President of Yellowknife’s Aurora College and the President of Nunavut Arctic College, to highlight the value of their institutions and to demand a fair share of post-secondary funding. “Yukon College is part of national system and we’re coming together in Ottawa to use our collective voice to garner support for community colleges across the country,” Barnes says.

The group will meet with politicians including, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty and Liberal leader, Michael Ignatieff, to highlight the need for more support for community colleges.

The Association of Social Workers in Northern Canada and the Yukon College Bachelor of Social Work Program have partnered to host a day of presentations and the Association�s Annual General Assembly on November 6th and 7th at Yukon College.

Twenty-five BSW students, 20 social workers and over 35 representatives from Yukon First Nations will gather for the event, where Cindy Blackstock will make a series of presentations. Blackstock is the Executive Director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada and has worked in the field of social work for over 20 years. One of the topics she will speak about is the inequality experienced by First Nations children and she will suggest ways social workers can help address the issue. Blackstock�s presentations on November 6th will be followed by facilitated discussions.