Whitehorse –Yukoners will have a chance to meet and hear national and local leaders speak on social justice challenges and change at the Northern Institute of Social Justice’s Inaugural Speaking Event on November 14.

The Hon. Lloyd Axworthy, former Assembly of First Nations Grand Chief Phil Fontaine, and Teslin Tlingit Council Chief Peter Johnston will be speaking at the event, to be held at the Yukon Arts Centre, at 7:00 pm.

The theme of the evening is “Making Change- Global, National and Local Pathways to Social Justice”.

“If you are interested in social justice issues, this is an opportunity to hear from others who are also imagining, leading and supporting change in different ways and areas”, said Joanne Lewis, Executive Director of the Northern Institute of Social Justice.

On behalf of the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor) and Minister of Health, Ryan Leef Member of Parliament for Yukon and Shelagh Rowles, Acting Vice-President of Education and Training at Yukon College today announced that resource development and exploration companies in Yukon will soon have more skilled local workers to choose from, thanks to two new mining technology programs at Yukon College.

“The Government of Canada recognizes that the mining and mineral exploration sectors are backbone employers and key contributors to economic development in the Territories,” said Mr. Leef. “This capacity building initiative will ensure Northerners have better access to quality jobs and will help industry to meet the increasing demand for skilled workers.”

Yukon College instructor releases first book of poetry

Whitehorse –

Enjoying the moment of liftoff
As when the airplane of the soul leaves
The tarmac of the body.
—- Sleeper, Jamella Hagen

For Yukon College instructor Jamella Hagen, the whole experience of releasing her first book of poetry has been a little surreal.

"It’s a new thing for me, putting a book out," she says. "Up to now I’ve been writing quietly, on the side. It’s exciting to have the opportunity to share that work with readers."
Hagen’s book, Kerosene, is the end product of five years’ work, and a life spent travelling and working abroad.

"The book begins in Northern BC, where I grew up," she says. "It takes a journey to Vancouver, then overseas, then returns to the north- to the Yukon- in the end.

Whitehorse – The opening of the new Yukon Research Centre (YRC)  Laboratory at Yukon College will usher in a new era for research in the territory, says the YRC’s director, Clint Sawicki.

“We’ve built a facility that Yukon scientists, and visiting researchers, have needed for many years,” says Sawicki. “We know the basics of what folks want, and we think we have a good start.”

Officials will cut the ribbon opening the $2.7 million facility on Thursday, October 27 at 3:30 p.m..

The gleaming, two-story building on the Yukon College campus has a Class 2 Biohazard lab facility, space for receiving and securing samples, office space for visiting researchers, and a collections room that Sawicki says may one day be a real treasure for Yukoners as the beginnings of a natural history museum.

The building was developed as a multipurpose lab, flexible enough for researchers doing anything from work on permafrost to wildlife to northern health issues.

 Whitehorse – Students at Yukon College will have more opportunities to access the territory’s historic and natural treasures as a result of closer ties being forged by the College and Parks Canada today.

Officials with the College and Parks Canada signed a memorandum of understanding this morning that calls for closer ties between the two organizations.

“It’s really a ‘2+2=5’ kind of situation,” says Deb Bartlette, the Dean of Applied Arts at Yukon College. “It means there’s an intent and a willingness to work together to benefit both our organizations.”

The MOU sets the tone for the two bodies to work together to broaden and encourage collaboration on programs and projects, look for opportunities for co-op students and apprenticeships, and use Parks Canada sites for college activities and courses.

“The intent is to develop and strengthen the relationship over time and to co-operate in an open and transparent manner,” the MOU states.

 Whitehorse – A year ago Sue Starks barely knew how to turn an iPad on. This Friday, she’ll stand in front of educators from across the country to talk about how the popular tablet is transforming the education of practical nurses at Yukon College.

Starks, the co-ordinator for Yukon College’s Practical Nursing Program, and Claire Hills, a clinical instructor, are speaking at a session of the Canadian Association of Practical Nurse Educators in Halifax, Nova Scotia. They’ll be sharing their experience in using hand-held computer tablets in the classroom.

Starks says when five iPads were delivered to the program in September 2010, they weren’t experts by any means.

“We feel very challenged technically,” she says. “We had to figure out how to use them.”

Whitehorse – A respected Yukon elder will be visiting the University of Saskatchewan for three weeks later this month as part of a cultural exchange program supported by Yukon College.

Randall Tetlichi, a member of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and First Nations Support worker at the college’s Ayamdigut Campus in Whitehorse, is going to be USask’s first Elder-in Residence.

During his three-week visit, Tetlichi will be sharing traditional culture and ways of knowing with students, faculty and staff at the University’s School of Environment and Sustainability (SENS).

”I think this is a great opportunity, not only for me but Yukon College,” says Tetlichi. “It will help us have better relations with the University of Saskatchewan. We need to visit and build relations between the College and universities we have partnerships with.”

Associate Certificate in Workplace Conflict now available to learners in the Yukon

JIBC and Yukon College have entered into a partnership to offer JIBC’s Associate Certificate in Workplace Conflict through the College’s Continuing Education and Training.

“Until recently, the relationship between our two organizations was around a credit transfer arrangement, where JIBC recognized five entry level conflict resolution courses delivered by Yukon College to be equivalent to five of ours,” said Laurie McAvoy, Program Coordinator with the JIBC School of Community and Social Justice. “Last year both parties agreed that the time was right to evolve the relationship into a full partnership.”

Whitehorse - Yukon College is embarking on a feasibility study for the establishment of a Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining in the territory.

The yearlong study will be conducted in two phases and overseen by an Advisory Group comprised of industry, government and First Nation representatives.

“Yukon College wishes to establish an education, training and research centre that will offer accredited programming in mining and related technology and conduct - in collaboration with industry partners and other research institutions - applied research projects that will help increase the competitiveness of the territory’s mining industry,” said Yukon College President Karen Barnes.

The study’s first phase will involve information gathering, consultation with the territorial and First Nation governments, non-governmental organizations, communities and industry.

An innovative insulated wall designed by Yukon College is being integrated into the newest Habitat for Humanity’s triplex project and is engineered for the Northern climate. The featured wall system uses high efficiency spray foam insulation while holding an R60 value and a reduced wall thickness. Whitehorse’s building code requires walls to be a minimum of R28. The foam design reduces construction labor and other material costs while simplifying the building process. The economizing extends to the new homeowners who will benefit by reduced heating costs.