Whitehorse - Science Adventures and the Association of Professional Engineers of Yukon are pleased to welcome everyone to the 20th Annual Bridge Building Contest this Saturday, April 06, at Porter Creek Secondary School in the gym.

To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the competition a new building category has been added.  The “All-CAN” bridge building category honours those engineers that built the Alaska Highway that was once called the Alcan (Alaska/Canada) Highway. There is no limit to the number of builders who can build a bridge. Teams will compete for a special, honorary trophy. 

Bridge viewing happens between 12:00 and 1:00 pm followed by bridge strength testing. This year 10 schools participated in building just over 140 different bridges. Join us to witness the loads these bridges can endure before they break.

WHITEHORSE – Ten students will graduate this week from the first offering of the Introduction to Mining Operations program at Yukon College.

The 44-day course is the result of a partnership between the college, Education’s Advanced Education branch, Alexco Resource Corp., Yukon Zinc Corp., and Capstone Mining Corp. The goal of the program is to place more local workers in jobs at the territory’s three producing mines.

Following a two-week work placement and successful completion of the program graduates will now be invited to apply for work at one of the three producing mines.

“This new program is assisting Yukoners interested in a career in the mining industry, as well as companies operating in the territory who are eager to employ local residents,” Education Minister Scott Kent said. “Our government is pleased to be a partner in an initiative that responds to emerging labour market needs and is supported by industry.”

WHITEHORSE – Dana Jennejohn and Janice Wiens will be recognized on Wednesday, March 20th with a Distinguished Service Award from the Canadian Association of Social Workers.

The award is being presented to the two Yukon College instructors, as well as Sandy Little, a social work instructor at Aurora College in Yellowknife, for their work with the Association of Social Workers in Northern Canada (ASWNC) promoting the profession of social work which includes teaching social work students in Yukon and Northwest Territories.

“Yukon College congratulates Dana and Janice on receiving this recognition from their peers,” said Dr. Deb Bartlette, dean of Applied Arts and associate vice president Academic at Yukon College. “This award indicates the high caliber of our instructing staff in the Bachelor of Social Work program.”

Jennejohn and Wiens are grateful for the award but believes that the recognition should extend beyond them.

WHITEHORSE – A year after launching Yukon Cultures Connect (YCC), coordinator Mitch Miyagawa believes the Yukon College project is helping to create a more honest conversation about cultural diversity in Yukon.

“It has been very rewarding to see the barriers come down. As well as seeing stronger connections between the diverse groups represented on our steering committee, I am seeing a shift in that intangible story people tell about Whitehorse,” said Miyagawa.

“People are more open and willing to learn about each other’s backgrounds and beliefs which is creating greater pride in the cultural diversity of our community.”

WHITEHORSE – What can we learn about our reality just by thinking?

Revolutionary ideas in fields as diverse as physics, ethics, literature and economics all have something in common. Many of them are born in the “laboratory of the mind” using thought experiments or hypothetical scenarios. 

Einstein, for example, relates how imagining himself racing a beam of light helped him discover the theory of relativity. Other famous examples explore questions of morality or identity. A hidden bomb will go off when the timer strikes zero, do you resort to torturing the man who knows where it is? If every plank and part of a ship is replaced as it ages until no original part exists, is it still the same ship? The range of answers might surprise you.

On Tuesday March 19th, philosopher Mark Shumelda will explore a variety of thought experiments - how they work and what they teach us - at a brown bag lunch talk at Yukon College.

WHITEHORSE – A virtual chat with Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques is one of the highlights for girls in grades 4-7 during the 2013 All-Girls Science Club. Registration opened today for the eight sessions that begin March 30th and run each Saturday morning at Yukon College (except holiday weekends) until June 8th.

This years’ theme is “the science of earth and space”. The club offers plenty of hands-on science experiments and fun activities, as well as visiting guests who will speak about their careers in science, engineering and technology.

“Research has shown that North American girls fall behind in science education not because of a lack of interest, but a lack of exposure,” said Lori LaRochelle, Science Adventures at Yukon College. “This program helps the girls to feel more capable and welcome in the world of science, technology, engineering and math.”

WHITEHORSE—Professional trades training will soon be offered in communities across Yukon thanks to $1.8 million in funding from Yukon Education and the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor) towards the purchase of a mobile training lab and supply trailer for industrial trades instruction through Yukon College.

“Yukon’s economy is one of the strongest in Canada and we need to capitalize and prepare our residents for skilled, high wage jobs,” Education Minister Scott Kent said. “This new mobile training lab can be deployed from Watson Lake to Dawson City, and will bring skilled trades training directly into our communities.”

WHITEHORSE - Ten students have spent this week learning the complexities of First Nations leadership in Yukon.

The First Nations Leadership Training course featured a number of speakers including Chief Joe Linklater of the Vuntut Gwich’in and Chief Robert Louie of Westbank First Nation, a highly successful First Nation in southern BC.

Aimed at anyone who may be considering a leadership role in the future of his or her First Nation, this five-day program covers the roles and responsibilities of Chief and Council, strategies for maintaining personal balance, and discussions on ethical decision-making, as well as an overview of the UFA and Final Agreements, strategic planning, and creating legislation and policies.

WHITEHORSE –The Yukon Native Teacher Education Program (YNTEP) at Yukon College will be accepting first year students once again for classes beginning in September 2013.  Intake was suspended for the 12/13 academic year in order to conduct a program review.

“We have carefully considered the program review that was completed last summer and worked with the program stakeholders to develop a plan for addressing the review recommendations,” said Dr. Deb Bartlette, dean of Applied Arts and associate vice president Academic.  “The review showed that the YNTEP program is academically on par with other teacher education programs in Canada, but did make some recommendations to improve the delivery of the program and its relevance to our unique Yukon context.”

The plan has been developed by a Review Action Committee made up of representatives from Yukon First Nations, the Yukon Teachers Association, Yukon College and Yukon Education.

WHITEHORSE – Yukon College’s first ever Report to the Community has won a silver communications award from the North American Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).

The 13 page report was created in 2012 to provide a brief snapshot of information about the College including special activities, new initiatives, guests, partners, as well as highlighting students, programs and staff.

“Articles in the Report to the Community are intended to show the reach of Yukon College, including international guests, partner highlights and  research work, as well as to highlight what we’re doing that is noteworthy and progressive,” said Jacqueline Bedard, director of College Relations.

“It’s an attractive communications tool that allows us to inform the community about some of highlights from the past year at Yukon College’s thirteen campuses.”