
Yukon College is seeking an innovative, accomplished and inspired president to lead this unique, northern institution through its next phase of growth. The college supports two campuses in Whitehorse and 12 in Yukon’s remote communities, works closely with the 14 First Nations, and leads the way for northern colleges through climate change research at the college’s Yukon Research Centre of Excellence.

The search for a new president has begun, with the expectation that a new president will begin on July 1, 2011. President Terry Weninger’s term will be completed in August.

“I have enjoyed the last five years, and while Yukon College made a great deal of progress in that time, it is due to the employees of the College who are enthused about the role the institution can and does play in the territory, and they bring that enthusiasm to work every day”, said Weninger.

The Water Distribution System Operations course is a new course that has been designed for and by Yukoners. This course will provide customized training based on the existing municipal infrastructure. Students will receive relevant and practical training that will contribute to enhancing the water safety needs of the north.

The City of Whitehorse helped to create this educational opportunity by providing the expertise and input on the practical side of this course. “With two-thirds of the course spent on practical application, students gain the hands on experience that is needed in the field,” says Yukon College Vice President Education & Training, Karen Barnes. “We are proud to provide Yukon specific courses that are relevant and practical for our northern needs”, says Barnes.

Yukon College has invited a panel of national and regional journalists to speak with students from both Yukon College and the local high schools. This panel of producers, hosts, and sports writers will share their knowledge and expertise with the student body while creating an open dialogue with the students.

These nationally acclaimed journalists are visiting the Yukon for the Scotiabank Hockey Day in Canada event that is taking place this week. Yukon College recognized this unique educational opportunity and began planning for it. “Part of our role at the college is to create unique educational opportunities for the community at large and this was an opportunity we couldn’t let our community and students miss”, says Vice President Education and Training, Karen Barnes. “We were happy to work with the local organizing committee for the Scotiabank Hockey Day in Canada event”, says Barnes.

For immediate release | February 8, 2011

Whitehorse – The Northern Climate ExChange (NCE) has joined a delegation of public sector representatives, traveling in the United States to discuss a spectrum of climate change issues. Community Adaptation Project Manager, Ryan Hennessey, is traveling with Canadian delegates from BC, Alberta and Ontario, who work in the area of policy and research on climate change.

On Thursday, February 10, Their Excellencies the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, and his wife Mrs. Sharon Johnston will spend the morning at Yukon College, engaged with students and staff.

The Governor General will attend a presentation on the Yukon Research Centre of Excellence (YRCE) as well as a discussion on the research initiatives at Yukon College. “His Excellency has worked for many years in post-secondary education and he understands the connection between education and research with community and economic development”, says Yukon College Vice President, Karen Barnes. “We are proud of our accomplishments at Yukon College and look forward to sharing them with Their Excellencies”, says Barnes.

Her Excellency will be touring the Yukon Native Language Centre (YNLC) and the Nursing Program.

The schedule for the visit is as follows:

The Yukon Research Centre (YRC) is supporting research that may improve Yukon highways. Dr. Guy Dore (Door-eh) is a leading Canadian permafrost researcher and he is now working with the Yukon Cold Climate Innovation Centre (YCCIC) within YRC. Dr. Dore will work to develop strategies that prevent and manage highway permafrost damage in the Yukon, while he is on sabbatical from Laval University.

Dore currently holds a Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) industrial research chair on the interaction between trucks, climate and pavements. Half of his research is focused on developing strategies to deal with highway permafrost damage, while the other half is focused on seasonal frost heave and thaw weakening of roads.

The Yukon Research Centre of Excellence (YRCE), with the support of the Government of Yukon and Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, is undertaking a tour to the European Union (EU).

Partnerships will be pursued with several European organizations interested in developing small scale energy projects to replace diesel fuel, as well as initiatives in the permafrost engineering field. One example of YRCE’s work is the new energy source currently under testing is Biochar (biomass charcoal), which has the potential to provide heat, electricity and even agricultural benefits for Yukon.

“This is the research centre’s first step into the international arena to initiate partnerships in technology and innovation,” said Dr. Chris Hawkins, YRCE vice president.

Yukon College Student Union is hosting a fundraiser on Wednesday, January 26 and will match donations made by the student body. The Student Union will support their mandate of bringing relevant speakers and events to students while assisting in humanitarian efforts.

The Student Union is challenging all YC students to attend Wednesday’s presentation and give generously to Hands of Hope. “The Student Union hopes to inspire the spirit of giving by matching all donations made to this local charity” says Student Union co-president, Dawn Hansen. “Part of our role is to provide learning opportunities to our student body that will also have humanitarian benefits.”


Yukon College has invited TV celebrity, Chef Lynn Crawford to work with the Culinary Arts students on Thursday, January 27. The Food Network star will be instructing and assisting the students with making over 800 appetizers for the Gourmet Food Festival that takes place later that evening.

“We are pleased to partner with Skills Canada to bring this Canadian celebrity to our students” says Yukon College President, Terry Weninger. “Yukon College is committed to creating the most rewarding and valuable learning experiences for our students”.

The students will spend the entire day with Chef Crawford creating food for the Gourmet Food Festival Fundraiser for the Yukon Hospital Foundation MRI campaign. Media are encouraged to join Chef Crawford and the culinary students between 11am and 12pm in the Yukon College Culinary kitchen.

The Yukon College Student Union (YCSU) is beginning the Winter semester by hosting Justin Trudeau. On Thursday, January 20th, YCSU will be introducing the Official Opposition Critic for Youth, Citizenship and Immigration to Yukon College students and the community at large.

YCSU is committed to servicing the student population with speakers that are relevant to its membership. The topic of Trudeau’s talk is, “Social Responsibility: Young people are our leaders of today” which is a pertinent topic for the student union. “Part of our job as a student union is to provide support and information to the rest of the members by having inspiring guest speakers that will further enhance their experience at Yukon College”, says Student Union Co-President, Dawn Hansen.

Whitehorse – Yukon College’s Learning Assistance Centre has seen a steady rise in its client numbers over the past year.  Since opening in 1987, the Centre has assisted over 2000 students.  The Centre works with the general student population to improve study skills.  It also provides important services to both students and staff with disabilities and chronic health concerns. If the demand for assistance continues for the rest of the year, the Centre will see a significant increase in its annual average of 150 clients.

Whitehorse – The students in the Working and Leading Program at Yukon College will be working together with Many Rivers Counseling Services to host a Youth Connex event which provides a venue for youth to connect with available services in the community. The event is structured to welcome and expose youth to healthy life styles and to choose positive change. Four bands will provide music, as well as karaoke and an open mic. There will be free haircuts and pizza as well as door prizes to give away.