January 11, 2016
WHITEHORSE - Yukon College’s Ayamdigut campus has created five gender-neutral washrooms in the main campus building. One multi-use male, one multi-use female, and three single-use washrooms have been given the gender-neutral designation.
The washrooms were re-designated this month following a student request in September. The entire project cost $3132.00 for new signage, increased privacy for multi-use washroom stalls, and the removal of urinals and installation of counters and mirrors in the previously male-only washroom.
A gender-neutral washroom is where persons of any gender can use the facility and signage is not gender-specific. The space is beneficial for transgender persons and those who identify as agender (not aligning with any gender), gender non-conforming, gender fluid and anyone who requires a multi-gender washroom, such as a parent and child or a support worker and their client.