News: Student Research

Yukon University has been awarded $75,000 to research a method for treating contaminated mine water with native bacteria at the Minto Mine site. The Mitacs Acceleration program and Minto Metals Corp. (Minto) are supporting this Master’s degree project that was built in partnership between the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Northern Mine Remediation and the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS). 

Joint news release with the Government of Yukon, Mitacs, Yukon University and the University of Alberta North

A unique opportunity to participate in COVID-19 research internships will benefit both Yukon organizations and post-secondary students.

Starting immediately, Yukon businesses, not-for profit organizations and municipalities can apply to be matched with post-secondary students who will research COVID-19’s impact on their operations and help develop plans to overcome those challenges. In return, students will gain high-quality work experience in the field of applied research.