YukonU research activity mapped across northern Canada

Map highlights research projects across Canada

A sampling of Yukon University research can be found in 55 locations throughout the territory and across Northern Canada with the new Research Activity Map.

The Research Activity Map is a digital map that contains some of the research currently underway by YukonU academic and research faculty, including the seven research programs at the YukonU Research Centre. Website visitors will find research ranging from the Permafrost and Geoscience Research Chair’s Enhancing Yukon trade corridor resilience to northern geohazards to Dr. Victoria Castillo’s Women muralists and their gendered access to public space project, and in locations throughout the Yukon and as far away as the Hamlet of Sanikiluaq, on Hudson Bay in Nunavut. 

“YukonU has an impressive slate of research activity for a university of its size,” said Dr. Davon Callander, Manager of Research and Scholarly Activity Services, Yukon University. “Our faculty have a range of expertise from advanced business statistics to wildlife ecology, and the Research Activity Map is a visual representation of the impact we are making across Canada’s North.”  

YukonU also developed an experts directory that contains 40 experts with 86 fields of expertise and 200 areas of interest. The directory supports students, potential partners, and the public in finding the expertise they need to answer their research questions. These experts involve students in their research through classroom participation, support all levels of student research, and hire student research assistant positions. YukonU is building a stronger, more resilient North through research that is rooted in relationships, collaboration, and trust. 

For more information, please contact

Dr. Davon Callander

Director, Research and Innovation

YukonU Research Centre