Truth and Reconciliation Week activities

On September 1, the Every Child Matters flag was raised and will fly for the entire month. On September 30, the National Truth & Reconciliation Survivors flag will be raised and fly permanently in honour of Residential School survivors. The Survivors’ Flag - NCTR.
FNI invites you to share your reflections on what truth and reconciliation means to you or perhaps you may want to share resources (articles, books, groups, etc.) that foster healthy discussion and thought on Truth and Reconciliation, a personal commitment to reconciliation, or anything else that will encourage healthy thought and discussion. Share them here at First Nations Initiatives' Kudoboard
Thursday, Sept. 29, is Orange Shirt Day at YukonU! if you don't have one (or want another) the Campus Store has t-shirts and regular shirts for sale this week. All proceeds go to the CAIRS (Committee on Abuse In Residential Schools) Society in Whitehorse which offers support and resources to survivors and their families.
The raindrops for reconciliation depicting our commitments to advancing reconciliation that are currently displayed in the Pit will be offered to the fire during the gathering at Roddy’s Camp on Thurs. Sept. 29. If you have not already filled one out, please consider completing a raindrop and dropping it in the basket in the Pit.
Tuesday, Sept. 27
- Truth & Reconciliation in Teaching & Learning (2-3pm in A2210).
Join the Teaching & Learning team for an informal chat to reflect on ways of honouring truth, justice and reconciliation in our work at YukonU. Coffee and tea will be provided. More information in the T&L events calendar.
Wednesday, Sept. 28
- First Nations Initiatives Orange t-shirt beading sessions (11am-1pm in the Pit). Purchase an orange t-shirt beading kit at the Campus Store then join FNI to bead your very own orange shirt pin.
Thursday, September 29 - YukonU Orange Shirt Day
- Guest Speaker: Michelle Good (11am – 12pm)
Join a virtual book reading with special guest speaker, Michelle Good, author of the award-winning Five Little Indians. Michelle will talk about her book and her thoughts on reconciliation. ZOOM LINK for this event. Meeting ID: 865 6771 7498 Passcode: 862848
- Roddy’s Camp (12:15pm)
Join us for a moment of silence and prayer. Tea, coffee and bannock will be provided by the Campus Store and Food Services.
- A Calls to Action Conversation on Truth and Reconciliation - online (10am-12:30pm) Hear and learn from Indigenous leaders as they reflect on the Calls to Action and the meaning of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Click to register.
Friday, September 30: National Day of Truth and Reconciliation - No classes and Campus Services closed
- Day of Sharing, Healing and Ceremony at KDCC, hosted by CYFN (11am - 4pm). Opening prayer, lunch and community drumming circle. Counsellors on hand to offer support. All are welcome to attend.
- A brief history of Residential Schools in the Yukon in ECHO: Ethnographic, Cultural and Historical Overview of Yukon’s First Peoples by Victoria Castillo, Christine Schreyer and Tosh Southwick
- 100 Ways: Indigenizing & Decolonizing Academic Programs by Dr. Shauneen Pete. The TRC Call to Action 62 includes a call for post-secondary institutions “to educate teachers on how to integrate Indigenous knowledge and teaching methods into classrooms.” Dr. Pete (University of Regina) suggests one hundred ways to move forward. Ideas for faculty begin at item #37.
- Garnet’s Journey – From Residential School to Reconciliation – videos and educators’ guide
- National Film Board of Canada videos:
- CBC Docs: My Auntie survived residential school
- TRC book rack at YukonU Innovation Commons