President Brown: St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School
Dear students,
In recognition of the news yesterday from Williams Lake First Nation in BC of confirmation of 93 potential burial sites at the location of the former St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School, the four flags that can be lowered at Ayamdigut campus will be lowered for seven days from today, January 26, and raised again on February 2.
My message from December 16 provides more information on the decision to raise the flags on December 22 and actions we will take to ensure we remember and honour residential school survivors, the many children who did not return home and their loved ones.
We know confirmations will continue to come forward. While painful, it’s important we hear and acknowledge these announcements. We must continue to bear witness to the loss of so many Indigenous children across this country. In doing so, we show that we see, hear and honour the deep pain and grief of the First Nations, Inuit and Metis colleagues, family and friends present in our lives—as well as the grief we ourselves feel. This is the work of Reconciliation.
It’s also very important each of us finds ways to accept and process the emotions that arise in us and those around us with each new announcement. Please make use of the supports listed below and share them with others. Consider taking action in ways that are meaningful to you.
Please be kind and gentle with one another. Along with the losses many of us are experiencing from the opioid crisis, grief is very present and palpable for many of us right now.
Take care,
Lesley Brown
President and Vice Chancellor
Supports at YukonU
Students: Contact the Connect2YukonU team to connect with a counsellor, an Elder or services for Indigenous students. Call or text 867 456 6996 or email
Employees: Visit My Family Assistance Program on MyYukonU for more details or contact our two Employee Assistance Program providers directly at Nimco and Associates 867.668.3277 or 867.668.6059 / Family Services Employee Assistance Program (FSEAP) 1-800-667-0993 (Password: 2bwell).
Supports beyond YukonU
National Indian Residential School Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419.
First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness 24/7 Help Line: 1-855-242-3310
Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program for Survivors and their families: 1-800-464-8106
CAIRS (Committee on Abuse in Residential School) 4194, 4th Ave. Whitehorse. (867) 667-2247
CMHA Yukon's Reach Out Support Line: 1-844-533-3030
Yukon Rapid Access Counselling supports (M-F 8:30am to 5pm): 1-866-456-3838 or 867-456-3838
Crisis Services Canada (national, 24/7): 1-833-456-4566, or text 45645
Learn more about the history and impact of Residential Schools
Chapter 4 of ECHO: Ethnographic, Cultural and Historical Overview of Yukon's First Peoples by Victoria Elena Castillo, Christine Schreyer, and Tosh Southwick
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Final Report
Take the free YukonU YFN 101 training (consider taking it again if it’s been a few years!
Contribute time or fundraising to local resources:
CAIRS (Committee on Abuse in Residential School) 4194, 4th Ave. Whitehorse. (867) 667-2247
CMHA Yukon's support line: Email or leave a message at (867) 333-7675 (ROSL) to access free info session and training.
Raven Recycling has a donation account for CAIRS—cans, bottles and other returnable containers can be deposited to this account.