2019-20 enrolments up 17 per cent at Yukon College; up 50 per cent since 2015

WHITEHORSE—Over 775 new and returning credit students are enrolled in classes this fall at Yukon College — a 17 per cent increase over this time last year — continuing a trend that has seen enrolments increase by 50 per cent since 2015.
Numbers for this year include 27 students in the new Bachelor of Business Administration degree, 35 students in the Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Governance, 13 students in the Visual Arts Foundation program at SOVA in Dawson City, 14 students in the new Yukon First Nations Arts program in Whitehorse and eight students in the online post-degree certificate in Climate Change Policy program.
The College is also welcoming 130 international students from India, Japan, China, Italy, Fiji, South Korea and Vietnam.
“We are thrilled with the continuing increase in enrolments across degree, diploma, certificate and vocational programs. Students are responding to new programs and expanded personal and academic supports as well as greater access to, and better support for, online and blended programs which enable more students to complete programs from their home community,” said Dr. Janet Welch, vice president Academic and Student Services at Yukon College.
Orientation Day kicks off on Tuesday, September 3. Some of the week’s activities include a city tour and visit to the Yukon Wildlife Preserve, an Indigenous Alumni panel discussion, a meet and greet for students with children, hand games, the chance to hold a permafrost core and learn about research opportunities, campus tours, a campfire with Elders and an ice cream social.
"Orientation Week is all about providing opportunities for students to connect to academic and personal supports and social events where they can make new friends. The more students feel welcome and supported, the greater academic success they will achieve,” said Jennifer Sugden, future student team leader.
A full list of orientation activities can be found on the Yukon College Facebook page.
The first day of classes is Wednesday, September 4 for most programs. Fall term registration is still open — the last day to register for fall term credit courses is Friday, September 13.
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