REBOOT Camp for students on academic probation launched

WHITEHORSE- Just over ten percent of this fall’s students are on academic probation or are facing academic dismissal. For the first time, starting in September, those students have a support plan, helping them to get back on track academically.

Students will work with the Learning Assistance Centre (LAC) on the development of a personalized plan that fits their schedule and addresses the specific challenges they’re facing. This plan is executed through the duration of the fall semester.

REBOOT is a second chance, pass/fail personalized course of study. Students may take up to three additional courses at the same time as REBOOT.

REBOOT helps determine the personal barriers to academic success. Each personalized Academic Improvement Plan will have elements of academic and non-academic components. Sample sessions or workshops focus on study skills, time management, exam preparation, reducing test anxiety, and personal budgeting tips. The LAC connects the students with any of the resources available to them within Yukon College and the greater community

REBOOT is a pilot program modelled after those that exist at universities in BC and Alberta. There is no cost for the program. Registration deadline is September 6th and applies to any student who has been academically dismissed from Yukon College in the past, as well as those currently on academic probation or facing academic dismissal. Interested students are asked to contact the Learning Assistance Centre at 867 456-8629.

Academic Boot Camp
The Learning Assistance Centre also offers an Academic Success Boot Camp, open to any student who is planning to attend ANY college or university, who would like to learn a variety of tools and strategies to enhance their skills in areas such as time-management, study skills, preparing for tests, stress management, and overall wellness. The cost for their course is $60 and spans over four evenings between August 29 and September 1.

Additionally, for students wanting to select which skills to hone up on, there are workshops available throughout the year. There is no cost for these workshops.