Yukon College president to remain until 2019

WHITEHORSE—The Yukon College Board of Governors is pleased to announce that Dr. Karen Barnes will remain as the President of Yukon College until June 30, 2019.

Barnes had previously announced she would retire in 2017; however, the Board asked her to consider remaining with the College for a further two years.

“With a new degree and post-degree program about to be launched and the transition to a university underway, the Board would prefer to maintain continuity of leadership at this time,” said Paul Flaherty, Board of Governors chair. “We are pleased that Dr. Barnes has reconsidered her retirement plans.”

Barnes joined Yukon College from Lethbridge College in 2008 as vice president academic. She was appointed president and vice chancellor in 2011.

Barnes is currently on a six-month leave of absence and will return in October 2016. Janet Moodie is interim president of Yukon College during Barnes’s absence. A retired deputy minister with the Yukon government, Moodie previously acted as Yukon College president in 2002-03.