New Student Financial Assistance Act increases funding for Yukon students

WHITEHORSE—The Student Financial Assistance Act was granted assent yesterday after being passed in the Yukon Legislative Assembly. The new act replaces the former Students Financial Assistance Act and concludes a review process that began in March of 2015.

“We have consulted extensively with students, parents, Yukon First Nations governments, Yukon College and other partners and stakeholders,” Minister of Education Doug Graham said. “The new act balances the issues and concerns of diverse groups and ensures that funding is administered in a fiscally responsible way.”

Under the new act, the funding provided by the Yukon Grant will change from being based on an annual, quarter or semester basis to a flat weekly rate. Students will be eligible to receive funding for a maximum of 170 weeks within their lifetime. Students are also no longer required to maintain a certain grade in order to receive the full amount of the grant. Additionally, the role of the Student Financial Assistance Committee has been expanded to include reviewing matters related to the completion of high school or high school equivalency.

Public engagement about the new act with the general public and key educational and funding stakeholders took place between March and June 2015. Consultations with First Nations governments continued until August 2015. Feedback was received via an online survey, which received 685 responses, as well as through 22 face-to-face meetings with First Nations governments and key stakeholders, including Yukon College. Recommendations were derived from survey responses and brought to partners and stakeholders for feedback, with recommendations directly influencing the new act.

“The new Student Financial Assistance Act will increase access to post-secondary education for all students in Yukon, enhancing each individual’s potential for academic success,” Yukon College Vice President Academic and Student Services Dr. Deb Bartlette said.

For further information on these changes and the process that led to them, please see the Department of Education’s student financial aid webpage.

Learn more: Student financial assistance