Agreement signed between Yukon government, Yukon College and University of Alberta

WHITEHORSE—The Government of Yukon, Yukon College and the University of Alberta have signed a memorandum of understanding that outlines the framework for a coordinated approach to identifying and facilitating upcoming projects and initiatives. 

“This memorandum of understanding is a positive step in diversifying programming and educational options available to students in Yukon and Alberta,” Premier Darrell Pasloski said. “Focussing on building science capacity and relationships was a priority identified in Yukon’s 2016 Science Strategy, and this agreement helps us move towards achieving this goal.”

The memorandum of understanding identifies several objectives, including establishing joint research projects, introducing new degree programs and professional certifications, student mobility and staff exchanges and increased programming to encourage public awareness of topics relevant to science in the North. 

“This memorandum of understanding will help expand vital educational and research exchange opportunities,” interim Yukon College president and vice chancellor Janet Moodie said. “It builds upon our successful joint Environmental and Conservation Sciences degree program with the University of Alberta that more than 100 Yukon students have benefitted from since 2010.”

In February Yukon College welcomed the third cohort of Environmental and Conservation Sciences students from University of Alberta’s Edmonton campus to a Yukon winter field school. Yukon College Environmental and Conservation Sciences students have also traveled to Edmonton for courses or entire semesters. One Yukon student has taken advantage of the University of Alberta’s international network and is studying ecology in South Africa and Swaziland this semester.

A joint steering committee will be established to oversee the working relationship set out in the agreement and will meet a minimum of twice yearly.

“This memorandum of understanding is a crucial step in forging stronger bonds between Yukon College, the Yukon government and the University of Alberta,” University of Alberta president David Turpin said. “Building on robust connections already in place, we hope it leads to varied and fruitful research collaborations, student exchanges and educational opportunities in a region so vital to Canada’s future.”