Yukon College pioneers access to resource development information in the North

Minister Navdeep Bains today announced an investment of $202,258 to support the creation of an online Atlas of Arctic Resource Development, the first of its kind in the Canadian North and scheduled to launch April 2016.

Developed through the Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic network (ReSDA), located at Yukon College, the online Atlas is a sharing tool will make resource development in Yukon more transparent, enabling public access to relevant environmental, scientific, and socio-economic information on major resource development projects in the North. 

Quick Facts

• CanNor is investing $202,258 alongside some $280,000 from Yukon College, in partnership with ReSDA, to support the creation and launch of the Atlas of Arctic Resource Development online.
• ReSDA is a research network connecting researchers from across the circumpolar north.  With its central coordination office located at Yukon Research Centre at Yukon College, since 2011, the network includes representatives from communities, government, private industry, and non-profit organizations.


“Yukon College is a leader for innovation and education in the Canadian North.  With the launch of this online Atlas of Arctic Resource Development, Northerners will have access to a wealth of research and information that directly addresses their communities.  I am proud to support this Yukon College project, as access to this information will create the right conditions to cultivate a culture of innovation.”

Navdeep Bains
Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, and Minister responsible for the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

“By working in partnership with Yukon College, we are embracing opportunities for Yukoners to pioneer innovation in the North.  With public access to this volume of research and data, Northerners will have access to a wealth of environmental and socio-economical information about the development projects in our communities, near the places we call home. The Government of Canada is proud to support opportunities for resource and economic development transparency in Yukon and across the North.” 

Larry Bagnell
Member of Parliament for Yukon

“This Arctic Atlas is an invaluable resource for northerners and it is through partnership that we can continue to expand research throughout the Yukon. Yukon College is improving the lives of northerners through research and innovation and we are able to do this through the generous support of CanNor.”

Dr. Karen Barnes
President and Vice Chancellor, Yukon College