Academic Success Boot Camp offers students chance to hit the ground running

Whitehorse – The first week of class at a new school can be a shock to the system. Before you have made new friends, gleaned an accurate read on your new roommate, or worked out how many days you can stretch a case of Kraft dinner, you’re already juggling papers and getting buried under reading assignments with mid-terms looming just seven short weeks away.

Becoming an ace note-taker, mastering test prep, and tackling test writing with the ease of a social media update, may feel like cruel taunts at 4:30 a.m. on October 25, as the insomnia-soaked minutes countdown to your first psych test, but not if you were smart and tackled the Academic Success Boot Camp.

Yukon College is offering a secret weapon to anyone entering post-secondary studies for the first time, returning after a long break, or simply wanting to take their studies to the next level. Across four, two-hour evening sessions, instructors and counselors will offer a range of academic and life skills to help students improve their performance, manage the challenges of post-secondary, and answer any big questions ahead of their first class.

Beyond how to get the most out of lectures and mastering online research, the Boot Camp also covers effectively managing stress, tackling time management, wrestling procrastination into submission, and sniffing out untapped financial support.

“Academic Success Boot Camp is really about providing students with the tools to hit the ground running and confidently push through any challenge they may encounter in their first weeks back to class,” said Joel Macht, Boot Camp instructor.

While it does focus on Yukon College resources, Macht says the Boot Camp will be useful to students heading south also.

“Many of the challenges are the same for any student entering post-secondary. No matter which campus they are heading to, participants will come away with a stronger sense of the resources they can seek out and rely on to help them succeed,” said Macht.

Academic Success Boot Camp runs Monday August 24 to Thursday August 27, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Ayamdigut campus. The cost is $60.00. More information can be found at

Classes for most programs at Yukon College start Wednesday, September 9.