Sci-Tech Girl event aims to encourage more female scientists
WHITEHORSE – Sci-Tech Girl is a new event being launched at Yukon College to encourage young women to seek out careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Young women in grades 10, 11, 12 and first year post-secondary are invited to meet and learn from the experience of women who are leaders in their fields. Valuable networking that will support young girls in exploring options in the sciences, according to 17-year-old Saba Javed.
“At elementary school a lot more girls were into these subjects, but I’ve seen that once you reach high school it becomes that math, science, trades, are considered more of a guy thing,” said the grade 11 F.H. Collins student. “In subjects like math and computers the guy versus girl ratio is so big, that it puts many girls off persevering and building on their earlier experience.”
Javed is considering pursuing engineering or physics at university and she believes events like this will help build a network of support for young women considering a STEM career and boost their confidence.
Less than 25% of people working in science, engineering and mathematics in Canada are female. This evening is designed to bring older and younger women together around different topics such as soil science, animal health, engineering, epidemiology, and biogas. The female scientists will be sharing their work and education experiences, and providing advice to the 14-19 year olds. Organizers hope this mentorship will extend far beyond the three hour event.
“Role models are important. I am looking forward to learning from these women and hopefully becoming better prepared to enter post-secondary,” said Javed, who acts as a role-model herself for grade 5-7 girls through her role as a youth leader in the All-Girls Science Club at Yukon College.
Jodi Gustafson will be the keynote speaker. This 24-year-old former Porter Creek Secondary and Yukon College student has received a Canadian Youth Environmental Leadership Globe Award, is one of three Canadians selected for the Gates Scholarship to Cambridge University, and has been named as one of Canada’s 2015 Top 25 Environmentalists Under 25.
Sci-Tech Girl - An evening of networking with women in Science & Technology, will take place in the Pit at Yukon College from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday May 20. Female students from Grade 10 to first year post-secondary can register on-line at
Sci-Tech Girl is presented by Science Adventures at Yukon College and sponsored by Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science & Technology, the Society for Canadian Women in Science & Technology, ACCESS, Associated Engineering, EDI, Tetra Tech EBA, and the Yukon Teachers’ Association.
Science Adventures is a proud member of Actua. Actua provides training, resources and support to its national network of members located at universities and colleges across Canada in the delivery of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education outreach programming. Each year, these members engage over 225,000 youth in 500 communities nationwide. Please visit Actua at