Yukon Research Centre and Yukon Economic Development announce new Innovation Prize

Whitehorse – Yukon innovators have a chance to win up to $70,000 for their ideas through the Yukon Innovation Prize. Cold Climate Innovation at Yukon College’s Yukon Research Centre (YRC) and Government of Yukon’s Economic Development have teamed up to support Yukoners whose ideas have an environmental or economic benefit to the Yukon.

Innovators are invited to compete for one of four $10,000 prizes which they can then use to further develop their idea and provide evidence of its technical and economic viability. These four finalists will then submit their refined plans to compete for the grand prize of $60,000, to be used to bring their innovative idea towards commercialization.

“The Yukon Innovation Prize supports local innovative ideas that will improve the lives of Northerners”, said Stephen Mooney, Director, Cold Climate Innovation, Yukon Research Centre. “Innovation is part of Yukon culture and we want to support this culture to build a vibrant northern economy”, said Mooney.

While the theme of this year’s contest is “cold climate building adaptations in the building technology, construction, and manufacturing industries,” Mooney says the contest will welcome any innovative idea that Yukoners may have.

“This is a great opportunity to showcase Yukon construction and manufacturing innovations to northern markets,” said Minister Stacey Hassard, Minister of Economic Development. “This government is proud to support initiatives that make our northern economy more diverse. The cold-climate building adaptations that bring energy-efficient alternatives to Yukoners also have applications in northern communities around the world.”

Applicants will be asked to address the technical and economic viability of their idea and the benefits it can bring to Yukon and its communities by completing a Project Charter application.

The contest runs from Sunday, February 15th to midnight on Wednesday, March 18th. The contest is open to any Yukon-based resident or organization. For contest details and how to apply visit yukoncollege.yk.ca/research/pages/innovation_prize/.

There are six key programs that operate under YRC at Yukon College: Biodiversity Monitoring, Cold Climate Innovation, Northern Climate ExChange, NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Mine Life Cycle, Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic, Science Adventures, and Technology Innovation.