Registration opens for the 2015 All-Girls Science Club

WHITEHORSE – Registration has opened for the 2015 All-Girls Science Club for students in grades 5-7. Beginning January 31st eight sessions will run on Saturday mornings at Yukon College’s Ayamdigut campus until May.

This year’s theme is the Science of Transportation. The club offers plenty of hands-on science activities relating to real-world transportation issues such as city planning, sustainable transportation technology, kinematics, design, construction and the unique aspects of transportation in the north. The sessions will also feature guest mentors who will lead activities and speak about their careers in science.

“This program helps girls to feel more capable and welcome in the world of science,” said coordinator Lori LaRochelle, Science Adventures at Yukon College.

According to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, boys and girls are equally interested in science from an early age but, along the way, girls drop off and boys forge ahead. Girls’ attitudes and performance in math and science are affected by lower confidence in their abilities and a lack of female science role models.

Erin and Anya Jim participated in the All-Girls Science Club last year. “They couldn't wait to share all about their adventures after each session,” said their mother, Karin Svec. “Participation in the club encouraged my girls to continue to experiment at home and raised their level of curiosity about the world around them.”

Funding for the 2014 All-Girls Science Club has been provided by Actua, Yukon Youth Investment Fund, Yukon Women’s Directorate, the City of Whitehorse Environment Fund, Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science & Technology, the Yukon Climate Change Secretariat, and Science Adventures at Yukon College.

The tuition fee is $150. Full and half bursaries are available for families for whom the registration fee represents a financial difficulty. There are only 20 spaces in this program and registration is on a first-come-first-served basis. Details are available at

Science Adventures at Yukon College engages students, teachers and the community in the exploration of science and technology. Activities include the Yukon/Stikine Regional Science Fair, the Annual Bridge Building Competition, Stay-A-Day at Yukon College, and the All-Girls Science Club. Science Adventures also provides support to teachers, volunteers and parents to promote the fun of science and technology to students through access to science speakers, resources, community connections, special events, and field trips.